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The Washington Totem Award Rules

The Western Washington DX Club, the Northwest's largest and most active DX group takes pleasure in issuing the first major W7 award. This award is issued to any licensed radio amateur who submits proof of two-way radio contact with the state of Washington. The totem pole shown on our card and colorful certificate is typical of the totem poles once found in the state of Washington.

1. Applicants must submit proof of QSOs with 100 different Washington stations. Twenty (20) of these must be confirmed contacts with different Western Washington DX Club members. DX Stations need only confirm 25 Washington stations including 10 WWDXC members.

2. General certification rule applies. Submission of QSL cards is not required. Your cards may be checked and certified by an officer of any recognized Amateur Radio Society or Club. DX stations may submit log data in lieu of QSL card confirmation.

3. All contacts must be dated January 1, 1973 or later.

4. Certified lists submitted should be in alphabetical order with date and time in GMT.

5. The WASHINGTON TOTEM AWARD is free to all stations outside of the United States. U.S. stations must include an application fee of $1.00. If QSL cards are sent to WWDXC for checking, sufficient postage must be included with the application and confirmation list for their return via first class mail.

6. SPECIAL ENDORSEMENT: The "WASHINGTON TOTEM AWARD" may be issued for specific bands or modes if all supporting information is included with the application.

7. Click here for the current membership list (PDF format) which includes active and lifetime members.

Totem Awards.XLS is an Excel spreadsheet containing the list of all Totem Award holders.

This page was last updated 01/24/1999
Please direct any questions about this web site to

Western Washington DX Club
PO Box 340
Mercer Island, WA 98040