section 5.1: Pointers and Addresses

If you like to use concrete examples and to think about exactly what's going on at the machine level, you'll want to know how many bytes are occupied by shorts, longs, pointers, etc. It's equally possible, though, to understand pointers at a more abstract level, thinking about them only in terms of boxes and arrows, as in the figures on pages 96, 98, 104, 107, and 114-5. (Not worrying about the exact size in bytes basically means not worrying about how big the boxes are.) The figure at the bottom of page 93 is probably the least pretty pointer picture in the whole book; don't worry if it doesn't mean much to you.

When we say that a pointer holds an ``address,'' and that unary & is the ``address of'' operator, our language is of course influenced by the fact that the underlying hardware assigns addresses to memory locations, but again, it is not necessary (nor necessarily desirable) to think about actual machine addresses when working with pointers. Thinking about the machine addresses can make certain aspects of pointers easier to understand, but doing so can also make certain mistakes and misunderstandings easier. In particular, a pointer in C is more than just an address; as we'll see on the next page, a pointer also carries the notion of what type of data it points to.

page 94

The presentation on this page is going to seem very artificial at first. At best, you're going to say, ``This makes sense, but what's it for?'' In fact, it is artificial, and no real program would ever do meaningless little pointer operations such as are embodied in the example on this page. However, this is the traditional way to introduce pointers from scratch, and once we've moved past it, we'll be able to talk about some more meaningful uses of pointers, and to forget about these artificial ones. (Once we're done talking about the traditional, artificial introduction on page 94, we'll also attempt a slightly more elaborate, slightly less traditional, slightly more meaningful parallel introduction, so stay tuned.)

Deep sentence:

The declaration of the pointer ip,
	int *ip;
is intended as a mnemonic; it says that the expression *ip is an int.
We'll have more to say about this sentence in a bit.

As an even more traditional, even less meaningful, even simpler example, we could say

	int i = 1;		/* an integer */
	int *ip;		/* a pointer-to-int */
	ip = &i;		/* ip points to i */
	printf("%d\n", *ip);	/* prints i, which is 1 */
	*ip = 5;		/* sets i to 5 */
(The obvious questions are, ``if you want to print i, or set it to 5, why not just do it? Why mess around with this `pointer' thing?'' More on that in a minute.)

The unary & and * operators are complementary. Given an object (i.e. a variable), & generates a pointer to it; given a pointer, * ``returns'' the value of the pointed-to object. ``Returns'' is in quotes because, as you may have noticed in the examples, you're not restricted to fetching values via pointers: you can also store values via pointers. In an assignment like

	*ip = 0;
the subexpression *ip is conceptually ``replaced'' by the object which ip points to, and since *ip appears on the left-hand side of the assignment operator, what happens to the pointed-to object is that it gets assigned to.

One of the things that's hard about pointers is simply talking about what's going on. We've been using the words ``return'' and ``replace'' in quotes, because they don't quite reflect what's actually going on, and we've been using clumsy locutions like ``fetch via pointers'' and ``store via pointers.'' There is some jargon for referring to pointer use; one word you'll often see is dereference, a term which, though its derivation is suspect, is used to mean ``follow a pointer to get at, and use, the object it points to.'' Thus, we sometimes call unary * the ``pointer dereferencing operator,'' and we may say that the expressions

	printf("%d\n", *ip);
	*ip = 5;
both ``dereference the pointer ip.'' We may also talk about indirecting on a pointer: to indirect on a pointer is again to follow it to see what it points to; and * may also be called the ``pointer indirection operator.''

Our examples of pointers so far have been, admittedly, artificial and rather meaningless. Let's try a slightly more realistic example. In the previous chapter, we used the routines atoi and atof to convert strings representing numbers to the actual numbers represented. Often the strings were typed by the user, and read with getline. As you may have noticed, neither atoi nor atof does any validity or error checking: both simply stop reading when they reach a character that can't be part of the number they're converting, and if there aren't any numeric characters in the string, they simply return 0. (For example, atoi("49er") is 49, and atoi("three") is 0, and atof("1.2.3") is 1.2 .) These attributes make atoi and atof easy to write and easy (for the programmer) to use, but they are not the most user-friendly routines possible. A good user interface would warn the user and prompt again in case of invalid, non-numeric input.

Suppose we were writing a simple inventory-control system. For each part stored in our warehouse, we might record the part number, location, and number of parts on hand. For simplicity, we'll assume that the location is always a simple bin number.

Somewhere in the inventory-control program, we might find the variables

	int part_number;
	int location;
	int number_on_hand;
and there might be a routine that lets the user enter any of these numbers. Suppose that there is another variable,
	int which_entry;
which indicates which of the three numbers is being entered (1 for part_number, 2 for location, or 3 for number_on_hand). We might have code like this:
	char instring[30];

switch (which_entry) { case 1: printf("enter part number:\n"); getline(instring, 30); part_number = atoi(instring); break;

case 2: printf("enter location:\n"); getline(instring, 30); location = atoi(instring); break;

case 3: printf("enter number on hand:\n"); getline(instring, 30); number_on_hand = atoi(instring); break; }
Suppose that we now begin to add a bit of rudimentary verification to the input routines. The first case might look like
	case 1:
		do {
			printf("enter part number:\n");
			getline(instring, 30);
			part_number = atoi(instring);
		} while (part_number == 0);
If the first character is not a digit, or if atoi returns 0, the code goes around the loop another time, and prompts the user again, in hopes that the user will type some proper numeric input this time. (The tests for numeric input are not sufficient, nor even wise if 0 is a possible input value, as it presumably is for number on hand. In fact, the two tests really do the same thing! But please overlook these faults. If you're curious, you can learn about a new ANSI function, strtol, which is like atoi but gives you a bit more control, and would be a better routine to use here.)

The code fragment above is for just one of the three input cases. The obvious way to perform the same checking for the other two cases would be to repeat the same code two more times, changing the prompt string and the name of the variable assigned to (location or number_on_hand instead of part_number). Duplicating the code is a nuisance, though, especially if we later come up with a better way to do input verification (perhaps one not suffering from the imperfections mentioned above). Is there a better way?

One way would be to use a temporary variable in the input loop, and then set one of the three real variables to the value of the temporary variable, depending on which_entry:

	int temp;

do { printf("enter the number:\n"); getline(instring, 30); if(!isdigit(instring[0])) continue; temp = atoi(instring); } while (temp == 0);

switch (which_entry) { case 1: part_number = temp; break;

case 2: location = temp; break;

case 3: number_on_hand = temp; break; }

Another way, however, would be to use a pointer to keep track of which variable we're setting. (In this example, we'll also get the prompt right.)

	char instring[30];
	int *numpointer;
	char *prompt;

switch (which_entry) { case 1: numpointer = &part_number; prompt = "part number"; break;

case 2: numpointer = &location; prompt = "location"; break;

case 3: numpointer = &number_on_hand; prompt = "number on hand"; break; }

do { printf("enter %s:\n", prompt); getline(instring, 30); if(!isdigit(instring[0])) continue; *numpointer = atoi(instring); } while (*numpointer == 0);
The idea here is that prompt is the prompt string and numpointer points to the particular numeric value we're entering. That way, a single input verification loop can print any of the three prompts and set any of the three numeric variables, depending on where numpointer points. (We won't officially see character pointers and strings until section 5.5, so don't worry if the use of the prompt pointer seems new or inexplicable.)

This example is, in its own ways, quite artificial. (In a real inventory-control program, we'd obviously need to keep track of many parts; we couldn't use single variables for the part number, location, and quantity. We probably wouldn't really have a which_entry variable telling us which number to prompt for, and we'd do the numeric validation quite differently. We might well do numeric entry and validation in a separate function, removing this need for the pointers.) However, the pointer aspect of this example--using a pointer to refer to one of several different things, so that one generic piece of code can access any of the things--is a very typical (i.e. realistic) use of pointers.

There's one nuance of pointer declarations which deserves mention. We've seen that

	int *ip;
declares the variable ip as a pointer to an int. We might look at that declaration and imagine that int * is the type and ip is the name of the variable being declared. (Actually, so far, these assumptions are both true.) We might therefore imagine that a more ``obvious'' way of writing the declaration would be
	int* ip;
This would work, but it is misleading, as we'll see if we try to declare two int pointers at once. How shall we do it? If we try
	int* ip1, ip2;		/* WRONG */
we don't succeed; this would declare ip1 as a pointer-to-int, but ip2 as an int (not a pointer). The correct declaration for two pointers is
	int *ip1, *ip2;
As the authors said in the middle of page 94, the intent of pointer (and in fact all) declarations is that they give little miniature expressions indicating what type a certain use of the variables will have. The declaration
	int *ip1;
doesn't so much say that ip is a pointer-to-int; it says that *ip is an int. (To be sure, ip is a pointer-to-int.) In the declaration
	int *ip1, *ip2;
both *ip1 and *ip2 are ints; so ip1 and ip2 are both pointers-to-int. You'll hear this aspect of C declarations referred to as ``declaration mimics use.'' If it bothers you, or if you think you might accidentally write things like
	int *ip1, ip2;
then to stay on the safe side you might want to get in the habit of writing declarations on separate lines:
	int *ip1;
	int *ip2;

I promised to point out the safe techniques for ensuring that pointers always point where they should. The examples in this section, which have all involved pointers pointing to single variables, are relatively safe; a single variable is not a very risky thing to point to, so code like the examples in this section is relatively unlikely to go awry and result in invalid pointers. (One potential problem, though, which we'll talk more about later, is that since local, ``automatic'' variables are automatically deallocated when the function containing them returns, any pointer to a local variable also becomes invalid. Therefore, a function which returns a pointer must never return a pointer to one of its own local variables, and it would also be invalid to take a pointer to a local variable and assign it to a global pointer variable.)

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This page by Steve Summit // Copyright 1995, 1996 // mail feedback