CHANGES The Java(tm) Development Kit Version JDK 1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------- This document describes the changes between beta releases and the final release of JDK 1.1. It is divided into several sections: - Changes from JDK 1.1beta3 to JDK 1.1_Final - Changes from JDK 1.1beta2 to JDK 1.1beta3 - Changes from the original JDK 1.1beta to JDK 1.1beta2 Changes within a section are in this order: - VERSION NUMBER - BUG FIXES - TEXT CHANGES - AWT CHANGES - BEANS CHANGES - SECURITY CHANGES - JAR CHANGES - LANG CHANGES - IO CHANGES - JAVA NATIVE INTERFACE CHANGES - TOOL CHANGES --------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: To find the Java version, execute: java -version --------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Another signficant list of changes is our important bug fixes, available from our JavaSoft website: --------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Known bugs are listed at: --------------------------------------------------------- =================================================================== Changes from JDK 1.1beta3 to JDK 1.1_Final ------------------------------------------------------------------- The following changes and bug fixes are in the JDK 1.1 final release. ______________ VERSION NUMBER - The version number for this release is "JDK1.1_Final". Throughout the documentation we call it simply "JDK1.1" ____________ TEXT CHANGES - Extensive surface changes to Text package The following extensive changes in the Text package are the result of a design review recently carried out to simplify, rationalize and properly abstract the internationalization API. We realized this would make a significant improvement in learning and using internationalization in Java. The changes involve mostly surface changes, such as renaming and moving API, and changing the order of arguments, to better conform with conventions established with the rest of Java. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - CharacterIterator Removed getText method. CharacterIterators are intended to allow character at a time access to text without exposing how the text is actually stored. It is expected that some CharacterIterators will operate on text that can not easily or efficiently be stored as a String. Accessing the text as a whole should be the responsibility of the text object. Rename startIndex to getBeginIndex and rename endIndex to getEndIndex. This is to follow established naming patterns for getters and setters as well as java.lang.String's convention for identifying ranges in text. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - ChoiceFormat Changed the constructor to take an array of Strings rather than an array of Objects. String were the only type that made sense in this context. Changed the setChoices method to take an array of Strings rather than an array of Objects. String were the only type that made sense in this context. Added applyPattern and toPattern methods similar to the methods on other Format classes. Changed the format methods to take a FieldPosition rather than a FormatStatus argument. See the change description for FormatStatus. Changed the parse method to take a ParsePosition rather than a ParseStatus argument. See the change description for ParseStatus. Added clone, hashCode and equals methods. These are standard overrides and do not change the semantics. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - Collation Renamed class "Collator". It was not clear from the old name whether this class actually did collation or simply represented a set of collation rules. The new name makes it clear that the class performs string comparisons. Removed the constants LESS, EQUAL and GREATER. Changed the compare methods to return the int value -1, 0 or 1 instead of LESS, EQUAL or GREATER. This follows the pattern used by the java.lang.String.compareTo method. Removed the greater and greaterOrEqual methods. The same information is provided by the compare method. Having only a compare and and equals method mimics the comparison API provided by java.lang.String. Removed the compare(String, int, int, String, int, int) version of the compare method and the getSortKey(String, int, int) version of the getSortKey method. A recent change to String.substring makes the substring operation efficient. Users can use String.substring to specify a substring rather than requiring methods to provide substring variants. Slimming the API makes it easier to learn. Changed the type of public constants from byte to int. Changed the getStrength and getDecomposition methods to return int instead of byte. Changed the setStrength and setDecomposition methods to accept int arguments instead of byte. Although the byte type provides a small amount of type safety, using ints for constants is more in keeping with the rest of the JDK. The affected constants are: byte PRIMARY = 0; ==> int PRIMARY = 0; byte SECONDARY = 1; ==> int SECONDARY = 1; byte TERTIARY = 2; ==> int TERTIARY = 2; byte IDENTICAL = 3; ==> int IDENTICAL = 3; byte NO_DECOMPOSITION = 0; ==> int NO_DECOMPOSITION = 0; byte CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION = 1; ==> int CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION = 1; byte FULL_DECOMPOSITION = 2; ==> int FULL_DECOMPOSITION = 2; Removed the getDisplayName methods. These returned the same result as the corresponding Locale.getDisplayName method calls. Until we have more useful data, its better not to have these methods in the API. Provided a concrete equals method. This allows sub-classes to correctly implement the equals method. Renamed getSortKey method to getCollationKey. See the change description for getSortKey. Renamed getDefault methods to getInstance. This follows new naming pattern for factory methods. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - CollatedString Removed this class. Its purpose was to associate a String with its CollationKey. CollationKey has been changed retain a reference to the String it was generated from. This allows us to reduce the size of the API. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - CollationElementIterator Removed the public constructor. CollationElementIterators are created by RuleBasedCollator objects. This was expressed by handing a RuleBasedCollator object to the constructor. This connection is more obvious if the CollationElementIterator can only be created by a factory method on RuleBasedCollator. Made the values returned by the next method directly comparable. This is not an API change but a semantic change for the next method. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - DateFormat Made the constructor protected. DateFormat is an abstract class so it doesn't need a public constructor. Removed the getDisplayName methods. These returned the same result as the corresponding Locale.getDisplayName method calls. Until we have more useful data, its better not to have these methods in the API. Added a style called MEDIUM that does what DEFAULT does now. For this release, MEDIUM and DEFAULT have the same effect. In future, the meaning of DEFAULT will be determined from the locale data. This is a more logical organization of the style choices. Changed the format methods to take a FieldPosition rather than a FormatStatus argument. See the change description for FormatStatus. Changed the parse and parseObject methods to take a ParsePosition rather than a ParseStatus argument. See the change description for ParseStatus. Renamed the getTimeFormat methods to getTimeInstance. Renamed the getDateFormat methods to getDateInstance. Renamed the getDateTimeFormat methods to getDateTimeInstance. This follows new naming pattern for factory methods. Added a getInstance() factory method that does the same thing as getDateTimeFormat(SHORT,SHORT) previously did. This follows the pattern for factories which provides for a getInstance() that returns a default value to be always available. Renamed getValidationMode to isLenient. Renamed setValidationMode to setLenient. These names are more descriptive. Change the type of public constants from byte to int. Although the byte type provides a small amount of type safety, using ints for constants is more in keeping with the rest of the JDK. Also rename constants to follow the naming convention uses by JDK. The results are: byte ERA_FIELD = 0; ==> int ERA_FIELD = 0; byte YEAR_FIELD = 1; ==> int YEAR_FIELD = 1; byte MONTH_FIELD = 2; ==> int MONTH_FIELD = 2; byte DATE_FIELD = 3; ==> int DATE_FIELD = 3; byte HOUROFDAY1_FIELD = 4; ==> int HOUR_OF_DAY1_FIELD = 4; byte HOUROFDAY0_FIELD = 5; ==> int HOUR_OF_DAY0_FIELD = 5; byte MINUTE_FIELD = 6; ==> int MINUTE_FIELD = 6; byte SECOND_FIELD = 7; ==> int SECOND_FIELD = 7; byte MILLISECOND_FIELD = 8; ==> int MILLISECOND_FIELD = 8; byte DAYOFWEEK_FIELD = 9; ==> int DAY_OF_WEEK_FIELD = 9; byte DAYOFYEAR_FIELD = 10; ==> int DAY_OF_YEAR_FIELD = 10; byte DAYOFWEEKINMONTH_FIELD = 11; ==> int DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH_FIELD = 11; byte WEEKOFYEAR_FIELD = 12; ==> int WEEK_OF_YEAR_FIELD = 12; byte WEEKOFMONTH_FIELD = 13; ==> int WEEK_OF_MONTH_FIELD = 13; byte AMPM_FIELD = 14; ==> int AM_PM_FIELD = 14; byte HOUR1_FIELD = 15; ==> int HOUR1_FIELD = 15; byte HOUR0_FIELD = 16; ==> int HOUR0_FIELD = 16; byte TIMEZONE_FIELD = 17; ==> int TIMEZONE_FIELD = 17; ____________ TEXT CHANGES - DateFormatData Renamed class to DateFormatSymbols. This makes its purpose as a set of strings and symbols to be used in formatting clearer. Removed the millisPerHour protected field. This was not an appropriate field in a collection of formatting symbols. Renamed getAmpms to getAmPmStrings. Renamed setAmpms to setAmPmStrings. The new names follow the capitalization standard and are clearer. Removed methods useLocalizedPattern and setPatternLocalized. This functionality can be obtained through the toLocalizedPattern and applyLocalizedPattern methods of SimpleDateFormat. These methods were not appropriate in a collection of formatting symbols. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - DecimalFormat Renamed getThousandsInterval and setThousandsInterval methods to getGroupingSize and setGroupingSize. The new names are clearer. Renamed getFactor and setFactor methods to getMultiplier and setMultiplier. The new names are clearer. Changed the constructor that takes a NumberFormatData to use a DecimalFormatSymbols object instead. See the change description for NumberFormatData. Added a constructor that takes just a String and figures out the correct DecimalFormatSymbols for the default locale. This fills in the telescope pattern for constructos. Renamed getPattern method to toPattern. Also removed the boolean argument and instead added a toLocalizedPattern method. The new name better reflects the fact that there is no "pattern" property, but rather a pattern string is constructed that matches the current state of the DecimalFormat object. Splitting the method into two allows many users to ignore the existance of toLocalizedPattern. Renamed setPattern method to applyPattern. Also removed the boolean argument and instead added an applyLocalizedPattern method. The new name better reflects the fact that there is no "pattern" property, but rather a pattern string is used to set the state of the DecimalFormat object. Splitting the method into two allows many users to ignore the existance of applyLocalizedPattern. Removed the "*" and "_" characters from the pattern syntax. This is not strictly an api change but it is a semantic change. These characters were of limited use the way they were implemented. Changed the format methods to take a FieldPosition rather than a FormatStatus argument. See the change description for FormatStatus. Changed the parse method to take a ParsePosition rather than a ParseStatus argument. See the change description for ParseStatus. Renamed getNumberFormatData to getDecimalFormatSymbols and changed its return type to DecimalFormatSymbols. Renamed setNumberFormatData to setDecimalFormatSymbols and changed its argument type to DecimalFormatSymbols. See the change description for NumberFormatData. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - Format Changed the format method to take a FieldPosition rather than a FormatStatus argument. See the change description for FormatStatus. Changed the parseObject method to take a ParsePosition rather than a ParseStatus argument. See the change description for ParseStatus. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - FormatException Renamed class to ParseException. This better reflects its purpose. Removed the no argument constructor. This constructor was not useful. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - FormatStatus Renamed class to FieldPosition. This better reflects its purpose as an object which describes where sub-fields are located in a formatted string. Replaced public integer fields with getter methods. Adjusted names to match pattern for indicating ranges in text. The result: int alignField ==> int getField() int alignStart ==> int getBeginIndex() int alignEnd ==> int getEndIndex() Replaced no argument constructor with a constructor that sets the field. A field value must always be set so this prevents invalid objects. It is also more convenient than doing it in two steps. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - MessageFormat Redesigned the syntax for message patterns to allow inlining of other pattern strings, such as date patterns, number patterns, choice patterns etc. This is not itself an API change but is a big semantic difference. This change allows complete message formats to be created in fewer steps. Removed the constructor that took a String and a Format array. This was not needed with the new inline pattern syntax. Added a setFormat method which allows a single format to be set at a time rather than requiring all formats to be specified like the setFormats method. This is more convenient given the inline pattern syntax. Removed the format method that took a String, a Format array and an Object array. It was not necessary with the new inline pattern syntax. Changed the parse method that takes a single String argument to return an array of Objects rather than a single Object. This makes more sense given the fact that a message may have many objects embedded in it. Changed the format methods to take a FieldPosition rather than a FormatStatus argument. See the change description for FormatStatus. Changed the parse method to take a ParsePosition rather than a ParseStatus argument. See the change description for ParseStatus. Renamed getPattern method to toPattern. The new name better reflects the fact that there is no "pattern" property. Rather a pattern string is constructed that matches the current state of the MessageFormat object. Renamed setPattern method to applyPattern. The new name better reflects the fact that there is no "pattern" property. Rather a pattern string is used to set the state of the MessageFormat object. Added setLocale and getLocale methods. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - NumberFormat Renamed getDefaultCurrency to getCurrencyInstance. Renamed getDefaultPercent to getPercentInstance. Added a getNumberInstance factory. Rename getDefault to getInstance. This follows the naming pattern for factories. Removed getCurrencySymbol and getIntlCurrencySymbol methods. These will be added to a more appropriate class in a future release. In the methods called {get|set}{Minimum|Maximum}{Integer|Decimal}Count, rename the word Count to Digits and the word Decimal to Fraction. These names are clearer. Remove the methods isDecimalUsedWithInteger and setDecimalUsedWithInteger. These methods are now found in DecimalFormat under the names isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown. Renamed setIntegerOnly to setParseIntegerOnly. Renamed isIntegerOnly to isParseIntegerOnly. Renamed {is|set}ThousandsUsed to {is|set}GroupingUsed. Removed the getDisplayName methods. These returned the same result as the corresponding Locale.getDisplayName method calls. Until we have more useful data, its better not to have these methods in the API. Renamed DECIMAL_FIELD to FRACTION_FIELD. Also changed its type from byte to int. This name is more general. Use of ints as constants is standard practice. Removed NUMERATOR_FIELD, DENOMINATOR_FIELD and EXPONENT_FIELD. This functionality was not supported in this release. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - NumberFormatData Renamed class DecimalFormatSymbols. This makes its purpose as a set of strings and symbols to be used in formatting clearer. Added a default constructor which constructs an object suitable for the default locale. Added a constructor which takes a locale. These follow the pattern set by DateFormatSymbols. Removed starDigit, spaceDigit and exponential fields. This functionality is not being supported by DecimalFormat. Changed public fields to getter/setter methods. Adjusted the names of the methods for clarity. The results are: char zeroDigit; ==> getZeroDigit(), setZeroDigit() char thousandsSign; ==> getGroupingSeparator(), setGroupingSeparator() char decimalSign; ==> getDecimalSeparator(), setDecimalSeparator() char millePercent; ==> getPerMill(), setPerMill() char percent; ==> getPercent(), setPercent() char digit; ==> getDigit(), setDigit() char separator; ==> getPatternSeparator(), setPatternSeparator() java.lang.String infinity; ==> getInfinity(), setInfinity() java.lang.String nan; ==> getNaN(), setNaN() char minusSign; ==> getMinusSign(), setMinusSign() Removed the static final char fields. These were not appropriate for a collection of locale specific number formatting fields. They were also of little use outside the implementation of DecimalFormat. The removed fields are: static final char patternZeroDigit = 48; static final char patternThousandsSign = static final char patternDecimalSign = 4 static final char patternMillePercent = static final char patternPercent = 37; static final char patternDigit = 35; static final char patternStarDigit = 42; static final char patternSpaceDigit = 95 static final char patternSeparator = 59; ____________ TEXT CHANGES - ParseStatus Renamed class ParsePosition. This better reflects its purpose as an object which shows where parsing starts and stops. Removed no argument constructor. This was redundant and of no real convenience. Changed public field startAt to a getter/setter method pair. Also adjusted names of the methods to suit the naming pattern for indicating characters in a String. The results: startAt ==> getIndex(), setIndex() ____________ TEXT CHANGES - SimpleDateFormat Changed the format method to take a FieldPosition rather than a FormatStatus argument. See the change description for FormatStatus. Changed the parse method to take a ParsePosition rather than a ParseStatus argument. See the change description for ParseStatus. Changed the constructor which took a DateFormatData object to use a DateFormatSymbols object instead. See the change description for DateFormatData. Renamed getDateFormatData and setDateFormatData to getDateFormatSymbols and setDateFormatSymbols. See the change description for DateFormatData. Renamed getPattern method to toPattern. Also removed the boolean argument and instead added a toLocalizedPattern method. The new name better reflects the fact that there is no "pattern" property, but rather a pattern string is constructed that matches the current state of the DecimalFormat object. Splitting the method into two allows many users to ignore the existance of toLocalizedPattern. Renamed setPattern method to applyPattern. Also removed the boolean argument and instead added an applyLocalizedPattern method. The new name better reflects the fact that there is no "pattern" property, but rather a pattern string is used to set the state of the DecimalFormat object. Splitting the method into two allows many users to ignore the existance of applyLocalizedPattern. Added a convenience no argument constructor. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - SortKey Renamed class CollationKey. This keeps the terminology consistent with the other collation classes. Added getSourceString method. This returns the string that this CollationKey represents. This allows the removal of the CollatedString class. Added a toByteArray method that returns a byte[] containing the key. Changed compareTo method to return int rather than byte. This follows the pattern set by java.lang.String.compareTo. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - StringCharacterIterator Added the following convenience constructor: public StringCharacterIterator(String text, int begin, int end, int pos) Renamed startIndex method to getBeginIndex. Renamed endIndex method to getEndIndex. These names are consistent with the pattern for indicating ranges in strings. Removed the getText method. See the change description for CharacterIterator. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - TableCollation Renamed class RuleBasedCollator. It was not clear from the old name whether this class actually did collation or simply represented a set of collation rules. The new name makes it clear that the class performs string comparisons. It also avoids the impression that this class collates tables. Renamed getSortKey method to getCollationKey. See the change description for SortKey. Removed the getSortKey method that operated on a substring of a given String. A recent change to String.substring makes the substring operation efficient. Users can use String.substring to specify a substring rather than requiring methods to provide substring variants. Slimming the API makes it easier to learn. Removed the compare method that operated on a substring of a given String. A recent change to String.substring makes the substring operation efficient. Users can use String.substring to specify a substring rather than requiring methods to provide substring variants. Slimming the API makes it easier to learn. Changed compare to return an int value instead of a byte value. See change description for Collation. ____________ TEXT CHANGES - TextBoundary Renamed class to BreakIterator. This more clearly reflects its purpose. Renamed method nthFromCurrent to next(int). This is a less awkward name. Renamed method nextAfter to following. This is a less awkward name. Changed the return type of getText to CharacterIterator. Since BreakIterator works in terms of a CharacterIterator it didn't make sense to return a String. Renamed getWorkBreak methods to getWordInstance. Renamed getLineBreak methods to getLineInstance. Renamed getCharacterBreak methods to getCharacterInstance. Renamed getSentenceBreak methods to getSentenceInstance. This follows the naming pattern for factory methods. ____________ UTIL CHANGES - Calendar Changed the type of the public constants from byte to int. Changed the corresponding methods to accept and return ints instead of bytes. and getDecomposition methods to return int instead of byte. Although the byte type provides a small amount of type safety, using ints for constants is more in keeping with the rest of the JDK. The results are: byte ERA = 0; ==> int ERA = 0; byte YEAR = 1; ==> int YEAR = 1; byte MONTH = 2; ==> int MONTH = 2; byte WEEKOFYEAR = 3; ==> int WEEK_OF_YEAR = 3; byte WEEKOFMONTH = 4; ==> int WEEK_OF_MONTH = 4; byte DATE = 5; ==> int DATE = 5; byte DAYOFMONTH = 5; ==> int DAY_OF_MONTH = 5; byte DAYOFYEAR = 6; ==> int DAY_OF_YEAR = 6; byte DAYOFWEEK = 7; ==> int DAY_OF_WEEK = 7; byte DAYOFWEEKINMONTH = 8; ==> int DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH = 8; byte AMPM = 9; ==> int AM_PM = 9; byte HOUR = 10; ==> int HOUR = 10; byte HOUROFDAY = 11; ==> int HOUR_OF_DAY = 11; byte MINUTE = 12; ==> int MINUTE = 12; byte SECOND = 13; ==> int SECOND = 13; byte MILLISECOND = 14; ==> int MILLISECOND = 14; byte ZONEOFFSET = 15; ==> int ZONE_OFFSET = 15; byte DSTOFFSET = 16; ==> int DST_OFFSET = 16; byte FIELDCOUNT = 17; ==> int FIELD_COUNT = 17; int get(byte); ==> int get(int); set(byte,int); ==> void set(int,int); void clear(byte); ==> void clear(int); void add(byte,int); ==> void add(int,int); void roll(byte,boolean); ==> void roll(int,boolean); void setFirstDayOfWeek(byte); ==> void setFirstDayOfWeek(int); void setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(byte); void setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(int); int getMinimum(byte); ==> int getMinimum(int); int getMaximum(byte); ==> int getMaximum(int); int getGreatestMinimum(byte); ==> int getGreatestMinimum(int); int getLeastMaximum(byte); ==> int getLeastMaximum(int); Renamed getValidationMode to isLenient. Renamed setValidationMode to setLenient. These names are more descriptive. Renamed the getDefault methods to getInstance. This is in keeping with the pattern for naming factory methods. ____________ UTIL CHANGES - GregorianCalendar Changed the type of the public constants from byte to int. Changed the corresponding methods to accept and return ints instead of bytes. and getDecomposition methods to return int instead of byte. Although the byte type provides a small amount of type safety, using ints for constants is more in keeping with the rest of the JDK. The results are: final byte AD = 0; ==> final int AD = 0; final byte BC = 1; ==> final int BC = 1; void add(byte,int); ==> void add(int,int); void roll(byte,boolean); ==> void roll(int,boolean); int getMinimum(byte); ==> int getMinimum(int); int getMaximum(byte); ==> int getMaximum(int); int getGreatestMinimum(byte);==> int getGreatestMinimum(int); int getLeastMaximum(byte); ==> int getLeastMaximum(int); ____________ UTIL CHANGES - ResourceBundle Renamed getResourceBundle methods to getBundle. The name getResourceBundle was too long and overly redundant. The new name is not in keeping with the naming pattern for factory methods. This is because the name "getInstance" is being reserved for a future addition to the resource bundle classes. __________ AWT CHANGE - Compiling programs that use old AWT API now produces deprecation warnings In the beta versions of 1.1, the deprecated methods in the AWT were marked with simple "DEPRECATED" strings in the method's javadoc comment. For the final release we have added the appropriate "@deprecated" tags to those methods so that you can use the appropriate compiler option to generate warnings that make it easier for you to convert your programs when you desire to do so. The document at the following URL describes how to convert to the 1.1 AWT API. It also links to a document that lists every deprecated method and its 1.1 substitute. RATIONALE: The bulk of the AWT deprecations are a result of migrating the AWT towards JavaBeans compliance. In particular, the two areas which required a significant number of deprecations were: - Properties (location, size, visibility, etc.) In order for introspection to be able to programmatically extract properties from AWT components, it was necessary to change the names of various methods to the JavaBeans getFoo/setFoo pattern. - New event model JavaBeans and the AWT have defined a new delegation-based event model for 1.1 which required significant changes to the event handling API. Finally, a small set of deprecated methods were changed to enhance the learnability and consistency of the toolkit API. __________ AWT CHANGE - Z-ordering changed back to 1.0.2 order For beta3, the Z-ordering for children in Container instances was defined in the documentation to be "back to front". Because this was contrary to the default Z-ordering which existed in 1.0.2 (and the beta implementation), for FCS we have corrected the Z-ordering specification in containers to be "front to back". __________ AWT CHANGE - Changed names of newly-added APIs: The following APIs have been renamed ( from old name => to new name ): AverageScaleFilter => AreaAveragingScaleFilter createScaledImage(...) => getScaledInstance(...) SCALE_AVERAGE => SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING RATIONALE: The method name was changed to "getScaledInstance(...)" to be consistent with the overall philosophy within the Java API where factories and derivative constructors should follow the naming convention of getInstance(...arguments...) The term "Average" was not descriptive of the algorithm applied by the default smooth scaling filter, so the name of this filter and its algorithm were changed to "AreaAveraging" to indicate what quantity was being averaged. __________ AWT CHANGE - Changed dispatchEvent() method and added new method dispatchEventImpl() The codepath in dispatchEvent() really must be executed for event mechanics to work properly in the AWT (hence we made it package-private). We moved the implementation to a new package-private method (dispatchEventImpl()) and then changed dispatchEvent() to be "public final" and have it call dispatchEventImpl() internally. RATIONALE: We have deprecated the 1.0 postEvent()/deliverEvent() methods, however the method that replaces those (dispatchEvent()) is currently package-private. This left no options for folks porting to the new event model. __________ AWT CHANGE - Changed capitalization of getId() to getID() in java.awt.AWTEvent Changed the method name to getID() and provided a deprecated version for compatibility with the beta versions. RATIONALE: java.awt.AWTEvent.getID() is named in a manner inconsistent with the equivalent methods in other classes: java.awt.MediaTracker.getID() java.util.TimeZone.getID() sun.rmi.registry.RegistryImpl.getID() sun.rmi.transport.DGCImpl.getID() Developers have had trouble because they expected the naming to be consistent. This fixes bug 4027793. __________ AWT CHANGE - Changed EventQueue to be non-system-specific The following changes were made to EventQueue: 1) Moved the static getEventQueue() method out of EventQueue and instead put it in Toolkit with the name "getSystemEventQueue()". Left the security check in that method, so that applets cannot get access to the system queue instance (see also #3). 2) Added a public constructor to the EventQueue class such that multiple instances of it can be created. This will allow programs to create and use the queue generically, as well as enable browser vendors to implement a queue/dispatch-thread-per-applet model. 3) Removed the overriding checkAwtEventQueueAccess() method in the AppletSecurityManager such that it will always default to invoking lang.SecurityManager.checkAwtEventQueueAccess() and will *always* throw a security exception if an applet tries to get a handle on the system event queue. 4) Modified the EventQueue documentation so that it's clear that the class is very generic. All references to a "system EventQueue" have been eliminated. RATIONALE: This allows the implementation of one dispatch thread per applet. It also provides design flexibility for the future. __________ AWT CHANGE - Removed EventSource class Removed this class because it has no relation to the new event model. __________ AWT CHANGE - Changed API for delivery of window-open and window-closed events Moved the window event API (addWindowListener,removeWindowListener, etc.) from Dialog and Frame to Window (their superclass) so that the code is there in one place. RATIONALE: Centralizing the code eliminates duplication and makes it easier to maintain. __________ AWT CHANGE - Changed return type from Transferable.getTransferData Transferable.getTransferData returns class BufferedInputStream. __________ AWT CHANGE - MenuShortcut class no longer extends java.awt.Event. __________ AWT CHANGE - Changed button modifier mask values in InputEvent: BUTTON2_MASK is now equivalent to ALT_MASK BUTTON3_MASK is now equivalent to META_MASK RATIONALE: A couple of mask constants were incorrectly defined in the InputEvent class. These event masks are new in JDK1.1. This change will ensure that programs that depend on seeing the BUTTON1_MASK and BUTTON2_MASK will continue to work properly on platforms that have 1 and 2 button mice (because Alt/Meta can be used to generate these masks on those systems). This fixes bug 4029159: Button2/Button3 masks should have same value as Alt/Meta in InputEvent __________ AWT CHANGE - Change to serialization of AWT components Made a systematic change to the way JDK1.1 AWT does serialization. RATIONALE: This change corrects bug #4027305, and provides more carefully thought-out and rational behaviour for AWT serialization in general. These changes enable customers to use serialization to store Java Beans (in general) and to enable AWT implementations to correctly interoperate between vendors. Implications for developers: - Saving graphs of AWT objects will now work, even if an object has more than one listener. - If an AWT object has listeners that are marked serializable, they will be saved and restored automatically, such as beans interconnected with and saved to a file with the BeanBox. Note that the BeanBox always code-generates serializable listener implementations. - If an AWT object has listeners that aren't marked serializable they will be dropped at writeObject() time. - Developers will need, as always, to consider the implications of making an object serializable. One idiom to watch out for is this: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import; class MyApp implements ActionListener, Serializable { BigObjectThatShouldNotBeSeralizedWithAButton bigOne; Button aButton = new Button(); MyApp() { // Oops, now aButton has a listener with a // reference to bigOne! aButton.addActionListener(this); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.out.println("Hello There"); } } In this example, serializing aButton by itself will cause MyApp and everything it refers to to be serialized as well. The problem is that the listener is serializable by coincidence, not by design. To separate the decisions about MyApp and the ActionListener being serializable one can use an inner (nested) class, for example: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import; class MyApp { BigObjectThatShouldNotBeSeralizedWithAButton bigOne; Button aButton = new Button(); class MyActionListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.out.println("Hello There"); } } MyApp() { aButton.addActionListener(new MyActionListener()); } } __________ AWT CHANGE - Added setKeyChar() method to KeyEvent KeyEvent had a setKeyCode() already. This new method was needed to copy any changes a 1.0 style program may have made to an Event "key". This fix ensures that all chars work properly in TextFields, like hitting in HotJava's URL field. __________ AWT CHANGE - Changed PaintEvent class to use a rectangle for damaged area Replaced PaintEvent's "Graphics" property with a Rectangle representing a damaged area instead. RATIONALE: Although the PaintEvent class is public, its use in AWT is completely private -- it is used to trigger calls to paint(), but programs never explicitly see the event object at all. __________ AWT CHANGE - Defined a new constant in AWTEvent: RESERVED_ID_MAX This new constant is the maximum value of any AWT-defined event ID. Programs that need to create their own event types should use an ID greater than this max ID, so that the event will be properly passed through the system. RATIONALE: This is part of the fix for a problem that prevented anyone from being able to create their own event type and send it to a component. This fixes bug 4028353: eventEnabled returns false for all but AWT events; can't send custom event types. ____________ BEANS CHANGE - Improved handling of beans that are applets Changed Beans.instantiate to check if a newly created or deserialized bean is an Applet. If so, it is given a minimal AppletStub and AppletContext and its init method is called. After developers have added a newly instantiated bean to an AWT container, they should check if it is an Applet and if so call Applet.start. Also, developers need to test "wanna-be" applet/beans against Beans.instantiate. ____________ BEANS CHANGE - Serializable listener fix for Beans classes The java.beans package contains two utility classes, PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport, that manage a list of event listeners. The change was to make the way these classes are serialized consistent with the AWT. RATIONALE In beta3 these two classes were inconsistent with the AWT, which meant there was no support for selectively saving and restoring listeners marked serializable. The changes are all class private. _______________ SECURITY CHANGE - Key is now an interface Made Key an interface and updated relevant clients. Removed all implementation from Key to make it an interface. Moved its implementation into RATIONALE: Key as an interface is more flexible and easier to implement than a mix of interfaces and classes. _______________ SECURITY CHANGE - Changed names of factory methods Changed factory names from .get to get. RATIONALE: Factory method names were MessageDigest.getMessageDigest, Signature.getSignature, etc. A better naming scheme is Signature.get, MessageDigest.get, etc. This is important when you start casting the results to some fairly long interface names, for example: DSAKeyGen keyGen = (DSAKeyGen)KeyGenerator.getKeyGenerator("DSA"); _______________ SECURITY CHANGE - Changed Provider SPI for Initialization The SPI is the Service Provider Interface, which Providers write to. There currently are two providers: SUN and JSAFE. a) Changed the arguments to two initialization method in Signature from (byte[], String) to (Key) b) Made one method in key public. c) Added a small interface (no implementation): DSAPrivateKey Changed and _______________ SECURITY CHANGE- API changes to Signature, MessageDigest, and KeyPairGenerator Signature public Signature get(String algorithm) -> public Signature getInstance(String algorithm) public Signature get(String algorithm, String provider) -> public Signature getInstance(String algorithm, String provider) MessageDigest public MessageDigest get(String algorithm) -> public MessageDigest getInstance(String algorithm) public MessageDigest get(String algorithm, String provider) -> public MessageDigest getInstance(String algorithm, String provider) KeyPairGenerator public KeyPairGenerator get(String algorithm) -> public KeyPairGenerator getInstance(String algorithm) public KeyPairGenerator get(String algorithm, String provider) -> public KeyPairGenerator getInstance(String algorithm, String provider) _______________ SECURITY CHANGE - Changed key generation API The change consisted of moving a set of existing methods from Signature to a new KeyPairGenerator class. API change: a) Moved key generation calls from signature to a new KeyPairGenerator class b) Added a small DSAKeyPairGenerator interface, which specializes behavior for DSA key generation. The change consisted of moving 3 abstract API methods to a new class. - defined a KeyGenerator factory method (identical to Signature's). - added one line to ths class. - added one line to ths class. - updated API clients in JDK (there are two of them). RATIONALE: Customer feedback makes a strong case for moving the Signature class key generation calls into its own class. Key generation is currently implemented as part of the Signature class. While it provides a uniform, algorithm-independent key-generation semantics, it is hard to understand (and therefore to use). It has confused users both internally and externally. __________ JAR CHANGE - Can now handle compressed JAR files in the CLASSPATH was enhanced so that it can now handle compressed ZIP/JAR file entries. No changes to the API were made. With this change, compressed JAR/ZIP files can now be handled by javac. Additionally, the runtime has also changed so that it can now handle compressed ZIP/JAR files that are specified in the CLASSPATH. ___________ LANG CHANGE - Removed a constructor and two methods from java.lang.Throwable - Removed the Throwable(String, Object[]) constructor - Removed the setArguments() method - Removed the getArguments() method RATIONALE: The arguments property was originally added to java.lang.Throwable for use in the generation of localized messages. This was deemed premature, and so the property was removed in order to avoid tempting programmers to use it for some other purpose. _________ IO CHANGE - Deprecated constructor StreamTokenizer(InputStream) This fixed bug 4025998. RATIONALE: The StreamTokenizer(InputStream) constructor was not binary-compatible with JDK 1.0.2. This constructor was changed in JDK1.1 to convert automatically from bytes to characters using the platform's default character encoding, but that change required buffering input data, which breaks binary compatibility. This change has been removed. ____________________________ JAVA NATIVE INTERFACE CHANGE - Changed the names of VM initialization and thread-attach structures Changed the JDK initialization structure name from JavaVMInitArgs to JDK1_1InitArgs to make it clear that it is JDK1.1 specific. Similarly, ThreadAttachArgs has changed its name to JDK1_1AttachArgs. RATIONALE: When a native application uses the invocation API to start up the VM, it passes the VM an initialization structure. Since in general different VM implementations require different initialization information (min/max heap size, native stack size, enable debugging, etc.), the JNI spec explicitly says that the contents of the structure vary among VM implementations. However, the JDK initialization structure, JavaVMInitArgs, gives the wrong impression that it should work with other VMs. This has caused confusion on how to implement the JNI without conflicting with JDK's naming scheme. ____________________________ JAVA NATIVE INTERFACE CHANGE - Changed NewStringUTF parameters Removed the length argument, strlen(s, from NewStringUTF(). The signature for this method is now: jstring NewStringUTF(JNIEnv *env, const char *s); RATIONALE: NewStringUTF constructs a Java string from a UTF string. Although UTF strings are already 0-terminated, the function required an unnecessary length argument, forcing the programmer to write: NewStringUTF(env, s, strlen(s)) instead of just: NewStringUTF(env, s) ____________________________ JAVA NATIVE INTERFACE CHANGE - Changed DeleteLocalRef and DeleteGlobalRef Now programmers can pass local or global references to DeleteLocalRef and DeleteGlobalRef directly, instead of having to pass the address of these references. RATIONALE: DeleteLocalRef and DeleteGlobalRef delete local or global references created by the JNI. They used to take the address of the reference, forcing programmers to write: DeleteLocalRef(&ref) now references are passed as follows: DeleteLocalRef(ref) ____________________________ JAVA NATIVE INTERFACE CHANGE - Changed the "IsSubclassOf" function name to "IsAssignableFrom." RATIONALE: The following JNI (Java Native Interface) function was misnamed: jboolean IsSubclassOf(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz1, jclass clazz2); It did not match the Java Language Specification's definition of the "subclass" relationship. The Reflection API has a similar method in java.lang.Class: boolean isAssignableFrom(Class class); This is a much more suitable name. The JNI function therefore changed its name to: jboolean IsAssignableFrom(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz1, jclass clazz2); ____________________________ JAVA NATIVE INTERFACE CHANGE - Change RegisterNatives so that it takes all the information in one array. RATIONALE: In beta3, the RegisterNatives function took three arrays containing native method names, signatures and function entry pointers, respectively: jint RegisterNatives(JNIEnv env, jclass clazz, const char *names[], const char *signatures[]; void *nativeProcs[]); These arrays had to be of the same length, and had to be NULL- terminated. It's better to put all the info in a single array, and pass the length of the array as another argument: struct JNINativeMethod { char* name; char* signature; void* fnPtr; }; typedef struct JNINativeMethod JNINativeMethod; void RegisterNatives(JNIEnv* env, jclass classID, const JNINativeMethod methods[], jsize count); Here's how code that uses this looks in FCS: JNINativeMethodSpec methods[] = { { "sin", "(D)D", &::sin }, { "cos", "(D)D", &::cos }, { "tan", "(D)D", &::tan } }; env->RegisterNatives(env->FindClass("java/lang/Math"), methods, 3); Here's how the same code used to look in beta3: const char* names[] = { "sin", "cos", "tan", NULL }; const char* signatures[] = { "(D)D", "(D)D", "(D)D", NULL }; void* procs[] = { &::sin, &::cos, &::tan, NULL }; env->RegisterNatives(env->FindClass("java/lang/Math"), names, signatures, proc); The former approach is clearer. ____________________________ JAVA NATIVE INTERFACE CHANGE - Changed the typing scheme of references to Java objects. In JDK Beta 3, reference types are defined as follows: typedef void *jref; /* generic type for references */ typedef jref jobject; /* Java objects */ typedef jref jclass; /* Java class objects */ typedef jref jstring; /* Java strings */ typedef jref jarray; /* Java arrays */ The distinction between jref and jobject was not clear. In 1.1 FCS, we got rid of jref, and introduced additional reference types to more accurately convey the subtyping information. We introduced dummy C++ classes to enforce the subtyping relationships: #ifdef __cplusplus class _jobject {}; class _jclass : public _jobject {}; class _jthrowable : public _jobject {}; class _jstring : public _jobject {}; class _jarray : public _jobject {}; class _jbooleanArray : public _jarray {}; class _jbyteArray : public _jarray {}; class _jcharArray : public _jarray {}; class _jshortArray : public _jarray {}; class _jintArray : public _jarray {}; class _jlongArray : public _jarray {}; class _jfloatArray : public _jarray {}; class _jdoubleArray : public _jarray {}; class _jobjectArray : public _jarray {}; typedef _jobject *jobject; typedef _jclass *jclass; typedef _jthrowable *jthrowable; typedef _jstring *jstring; typedef _jarray *jarray; typedef _jbooleanArray *jbooleanArray; typedef _jbyteArray *jbyteArray; typedef _jcharArray *jcharArray; typedef _jshortArray *jshortArray; typedef _jintArray *jintArray; typedef _jlongArray *jlongArray; typedef _jfloatArray *jfloatArray; typedef _jdoubleArray *jdoubleArray; typedef _jobjectArray *jobjectArray; #else struct _jobject; typedef struct _jobject *jobject; typedef jobject jclass; typedef jobject jthrowable; typedef jobject jstring; typedef jobject jarray; typedef jarray jbooleanArray; typedef jarray jbyteArray; typedef jarray jcharArray; typedef jarray jshortArray; typedef jarray jintArray; typedef jarray jlongArray; typedef jarray jfloatArray; typedef jarray jdoubleArray; typedef jarray jobjectArray; #endif JNI function types have been modified accordingly to accept or return the newly introduced reference types. ____________________________ JAVA NATIVE INTERFACE CHANGE - Changed the typing of certain primitive types: The following types in earlier versions of JDK: typedef char jboolean; typedef char jbyte; typedef unsigned long jsize; have been changed to: typedef unsigned char jboolean; typedef signed char jbyte; typedef jint jsize; in JDK 1.1 FCS. Earlier, jsize was defined to be an unsigned integer type that has the same number of bits as a native pointer. The idea was to use jsize to represent array length and size, etc. However, there has been a great deal of confusion on what operations are available on jsize, whether it is safe to convert jsize to int, etc. We changed jsize to be the same as jint because Java arrays and strings cannot be longer than 2^31 anyway. All standard Java methods that operate on arrays and strings use "int" as the length and size types. ___________ TOOL CHANGE - New argument -s added to javap -s: Print method and field type signature information in the internal form used by the Java Virtual Machine. This is the form through which a user of the Java Native Interface (JNI) refers to methods and fields. Using javap with the -s flag to print method and field information for a class to be accessed with the JNI avoids the difficulty of constructing signatures in the obscure internal format manually. Examples of use: % cat class foo { Thread thread; int i; public static void main(String args[]) { } private void foo() {} } % javap -p foo Compiled from class foo extends java.lang.Object /* ACC_SUPER bit set */ { java.lang.Thread thread; int i; public static void main(java.lang.String []); private void foo(); foo(); } % javap -p -s foo Compiled from class foo extends java.lang.Object /* ACC_SUPER bit set */ { thread Ljava/lang/Thread; i I public static main ([Ljava/lang/String;)V private foo ()V ()V } ___________ TOOL CHANGE - Added -deprecation flag to javac By default, when compiling a class that contains deprecated APIs, javac now displays only a brief note, rather than immediately listing all of the deprecated APIs. For example: % javac Note: uses deprecated APIs. Recompile with "-deprecation" for details. Then, you can re-compile using the -deprecation flag to get the name of the deprecated constructor, field, method, class or interface. % javac -deprecation Note: The constructor java.lang.String(byte[],int) has been deprecated. new String(new byte[0], 0); ^ Note: uses deprecated APIs. Please consult the documentation for a better alternative. At this point, please refer to the JDK API Reference documentation (the javadoc-generated web pages) jdk1.1/docs/api/packages.html. If you look up the deprecated API, it should give you more details such as which API replaces it. To summarize the compiler options: javac -nowarn => complete silence javac => a one-line comment about deprecations javac -deprecation => a full report RATIONALE: This can greatly reduce the amount of warning by default, allowing developers to concentrate on the errors, and to have a graceful migration towards updating their deprecated code. =================================================================== Changes from JDK 1.1beta2 to JDK 1.1beta3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- The following changes and bug fixes are in the JDK 1.1beta3 release. ______________ VERSION NUMBER - The version number for this release is "JDK1.1beta3.3". Versions beta3.1 and beta3.2 were internal candidates that were never released. You can get the version number of your particular release by executing: java -version _______________ PACKAGE CHANGES - Two new packages in java.*: java.beans and java.math Changes in these packages are described in more detail below. ________________ JAVABEANS CHANGE - JavaBeans1.0 is now part of JDK1.1 The classes that define the JavaBeans 1.0 API specification are now part of JDK1.1. These classes are part of BDK1.0 beta1 and beta2; there will be a BDK1.0beta3 that synchronizes with JDK1.1beta3. - There has been one change in the JavaBeans APIs: the string argument to Beans.instantiate() has changed. The argument used to be the path to a serialized bean, it is now the name of a bean, which may be serialized, or just a class name. ______________ GENERAL CHANGE - Extended the core API methods that take a PrintStream argument so they can also take a PrintWriter argument. Several constructors and methods have been added to make the new PrintWriter class easier to use. _________ IO CHANGE - Merged the functionality of the ByteToCharConverter and CharToByteConverter classes into the InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter classes. The ByteToCharConverter and CharToByteConverter classes are no longer public, so various constructors and methods that previously took converter arguments now accept names of character encodings. The InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter classes no longer commit to buffering the underlying byte stream. Details on these and other changes may be found at: ___________ LANG CHANGE - New method: identityHashCode in java.lang.System Its signature is: public static native int identityHashCode(Object x); It returns the same hashcode for the given object as would be returned by the default method hashCode(), whether or not the given object's class overrides hashCode(). The hashcode for the null reference is zero. RATIONALE: In previous releases, Java lacked a constant-time identity hash function. This meant there was no way to build a hash table which keyed on object identity, and for which access would be a constant-time operation. Java supplied a constant-time identity comparison operation (the built-in operator ==) but did not supply a corresponding constant-time identity hash operation. This new method is very useful when the object in question does override equals and hashCode, but the guts of some abstraction is working with canonicalized instances, such as interned strings, and needs to use them as keys for fast lookups. Although this is sometimes done by wrapping the string-like object inside another object which does not override equals and hashCode, it's desirable to allow such objects to be used directly as keys in identity tables, to avoid the overhead of allocating the wrappers. When performance is not an issue, the method Object.hashCode() suffices, even if it is slow (as with strings), but when performance must be maximized, neither the wrapper technique nor the slow hashCode() method is workable, and only a fast identityHashCode() method will be suitable. ___________ LANG CHANGE - getResourceAsName(String) changed to getResource(String) java.lang.Class and java.lang.ClassLoader used to have methods with signature: String getResourceAsName(String) which would return an external representation to a URL to the desired resource file. These methods have been replaced by methods with signature getResource(String) which return the actual URL (or null if the resource is not found). ___________ AWT CHANGES - New type of event: ContainerEvent This change provides the hooks for containers to easily register event listeners on descendents. - Added new ContainerEvent class and equivalent ContainerListener interface to enable notification when components are added/removed from containers. This makes it relatively easy for containers to register themselves as listeners for events on all of their descendents. - Added the addContainerListener/removeContainerListener methods to Container. RATIONALE: In beta2 the event model provided no reasonable mechanism to allow containers to get input events which occurred in their descendents, which turns out to be a fairly common need. The 1.0 event model allowed this by automatically propagating events up the containment hierarchy until some component returned "true" to absorb the event and stop the propagation. While this seems powerful (and it's easy), the 1.0 propagation model is error prone and results in poor performance. ___________ AWT CHANGES - Further Fine-Tuning of AWT Input Event Related API Responding to customer feedback and testing, we made the following changes to the API in the java.awt and java.awt.event packages: - Added a TextEvent class and TextListener interface to enable programs to track all changes to a text component, including paste and programmatic modifications. (Bug #4014945) - Added new windowActivated/windowDeactivated event types to WindowEvent to enable programs to determine when a window gets/loses focus. - Added isTemporary method to FocusEvent to enable determining the difference between when focus is explicitly moved between components and when focus temporarily changes (such as when a window is de-activated). - Added a consume method to the InputEvent class, enabling any object to consume input events. Previously, only the Component associated with the input event could consume it. - Made the AWTEventMulticaster class public, enabling component subclasses to serve as multicast sources for AWT-defined events. - Made the java.awt.event Adapter classes abstract so that it's clear that they need to be extended. - Removed constructors in java.awt.event Event classes that took an old 1.0 event as a parameter. - Changed the event id values of the ComponentEvent types to prevent them from clashing with the WindowEvent ids. - Added virtual keycode identifiers to KeyEvent to properly represent all standard keys on the keyboard. The keyCode property of the key event now contains one of those identifiers (instead of the ASCII integer equivalent). - Added a method called isPopupTrigger to the MouseEvent class, providing a platform-independent way to determine whether a mouse event should result in a popup menu being shown. (Bug #4017794) __________ AWT CHANGE - New method: getTreeLock() to java.awt.Component: The public field Component.LOCK will NOT be changed for beta3, to minimize the risk of the change for beta3, but it will be made non-public (package private) between beta3 and final release. RATIONALE: The AWT exposes a public static final field, called Component.LOCK, for synchronizing operations that affect or depend on component-tree structure. Exposing this field for public use unnecessarily constricts future AWT implementations to providing a single toolkit-wide lock. It is much better to provide access to the lock object by an instance method on class Component, such that future implementations can return a context-senstive locking object if they need to. __________ AWT CHANGE - New Component method: getLocationOnScreen Added one new method to the Component class: Point getLocationOnScreen() RATIONALE: This method returns the current location of the component in the screen's coordinate space. __________ AWT CHANGE - New Choice method: insert Added one new method to the Choice class: void insert(String item, int index) RATIONALE: This method lets you insert items into a Choice control at the index you specify. (In Beta2, items were always added at the end.) __________ AWT CHANGE - ItemSelectable interface change Removed the following two methods from the ItemSelectable interface: public int[] getSelectedIndexes(); public String[] getSelectedItems(); They have been replaced by the following method: public Object[] getSelectedObjects(); RATIONALE: This change removes the restriction that an item must be representable by a String. The AWT classes that implement ItemSelectable (List, Choice, Checkbox, and CheckboxMenuItem) have changed accordingly. __________ AWT CHANGE - Allow Container and Component classes to be extended directly to create lightweight components. 1) Added the following method to java.awt.Component Dimension getMaximumSize(); In beta2 components could specify only their minimum and preferred sizes and assume that the component was infinitely stretchable. This assumption is invalid with lightweight components where components tend to be written at a finer granularity and some components don't want to be flexible. The default implementation of this method specifies infinite size to reflect the current behavior. 2) Added two alignment functions to java.awt.Component. float getAlignmentX(); float getAlignmentY(); that return a number between 0.0 and 1.0. These values specify how to align the component relative to other components. 0.0 would be aligned at the origin, 1.0 the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is centered, etc. As examples, a text component would have a y alignment to the baseline, and an icon component would have an alignment to its hotspot, if defined. RATIONALE: Before beta3 the only way of creating new components in the AWT was to extend Canvas, Panel, and their subclasses. Component and Container could not be directly extended. All components were automatically "heavyweight" in that each had an opaque native window associated with them. The problem with this is that heavyweight components are expensive (you can't afford to have too many) and they cannot have any transparent pixels. The new changes create standard support for lightweight components. ____________ MATH CHANGES - New package: java.math, which initially contains two classes: BigInteger and BigDecimal. BigNum class has been removed and replaced by BigInteger and BigDecimal. BigIntegers are immutable arbitrary-precision integers, which provide analogs to all of Java's primitive integer operators, and all relevant static methods from java.lang.Math. Additionally, BigIntegers provide operations for modular arithmetic, GCD calculation, primality testing, prime generation, single-bit manipulation, and a few other odds and ends. BigDecimals are immutable, arbitrary-precision signed decimal numbers, suitable for monetary calculations. BigDecimals provide operations for basic arithmetic, scale manipulation, comparison, format conversion and hashing. The BigDecimal class gives its user complete control over rounding behavior, forcing the user to explicitly specify a rounding behavior for operations capable of discarding precision. ________________ SECURITY CHANGES - New method: getProviders(), which provides a way to query which crypto providers are installed. This method is added to the Security class and has the form: public static String[] getProviders(); ___________ TOOL CHANGE - javakey is now able to export keys and certs to files. This is a change to the javakey tool, a reciprocal to the existing import facility. ___________ TOOL CHANGE - javac -nowarn flag now suppresses @deprecated messages This can greatly reduce the amount of messages, allowing you to see only the errors. ____________ TOOL CHANGES - jar tool is incompatible with earlier JAR files The beta3 jar tool (more specifically, ZipInputStream and ZipOutputStream) is incompatible with JAR files created with the beta2 jar tool. The JAR tool won't understand those files. There was a bug in beta2 ZipInputStream and ZipOutputStream such that those classes didn't generate files properly according to the zip specification (one bit out of place means a lot...) The bug was fixed and now it generates proper zip files that other tools will understand. ____________ TOOL CHANGES - Removed ability to generate MIF from javadoc Removed "-doctype MIF" option from javadoc. This was necessary in order to remove the HTML parser dependency that HotJava had on the JDK. =================================================================== Changes from the original JDK 1.1beta to JDK 1.1beta2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- The following fixes and improvements are in the JDK 1.1beta2 release. ______________ VERSION NUMBER - The version number for this release is "JDK1.1beta2". You can get the version number of your particular release by executing: java -version _______ CHANGE - Source code for public classes included The source code for the public classes in the java.* package are now included in this release in the file These correspond to the public classes contained in This is equivalent to that shipped previously with JDK 1.0.2 but also includes sources to the new public classes added in JDK 1.1. _______ BUG FIX - Jar tool manifest-build limitation on number of files on Solaris DESCRIPTION OF BUG In some configurations of Solaris, trying to create a JAR file that has more than 64 entries in it would fail. The command that would cause this to happen is: % jar cvf test.jar where is a directory containing more than 64 files. SOLUTION - This bug has been fixed. _______ BUG FIX - Javakey tool signs jar files with invalid signatures DESCRIPTION OF BUG An implementation inconsistency in the javakey security tool causes jar files to be signed with invalid signatures. This means that signature checking will always fail, thus all applets will run as untrusted, with minimal permissions enabled. This makes code signing feature unusable but it is not a security hole. SOLUTION - This bug has been fixed. _______ BUG FIX - 4017054 - Limit to numeric range of case statements DESCRIPTION OF BUG If a Java switch statement includes case statements that cover a wide range of numerical values (although not necessarily a large number of cases themselves), the Java compiler can run out of memory attempting to compile that statement. For instance, a switch statement containing the two cases 0 and 99999999 will cause the compiler to run out of memory. SOLUTION - This bug has been fixed. _______ BUG FIX - 4018832 - Missing class DESCRIPTION OF BUG In the Win32 release, the class is documented but the class file is absent from SOLUTION - has been added to _______ BUG FIX - 4018252 - DecimalNumberFormat methods throw exceptions DESCRIPTION OF BUG The class java.text.DecimalNumberFormat throws an exception when any of its format or parse methods are called. A typical stack trace looks something like the following: java.lang.NumberFormatException: 451.0D at java.lang.Double.( at java.text.DigitList.getRealDouble( at java.text.DigitList.set( at java.text.DecimalFormat.format( at java.text.NumberFormat.format( Although DecimalNumberFormats are generally not used directly, they are returned by calls to NumberFormat.getDefault(), NumberFormat.getDefaultCurrency() and NumberFormat.getDefaultPercent(). SOLUTION - This bug has been fixed.