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This web site has been online since June 1993. Let's see your megacorporation beat that.



Curiosity sent two rovers to Mars.

We were on a quest to see if it is possible to support life on other planets.

You can see the red rocky region is pretty barren.

We looked to analyze the rubble below us to see if there were any of the basic building blocks.

Impressive ancient volcanic monoliths of red stone rose above us.

A desolate desert, but pretty in it's own barren asthetic.

Finally proof of life. Extreme lichen able to exist in thin atmosphere and sub zero temperatures.

Of course once we found life by looking closely at the ground around us, all we actually had to do was look out at a distance to see actual Martians.

Can you see the obvious reason why this picture of a Martian landscape isn't actually on Mars?


Check out pictures of Observation Rock on the North side of Mt Rainier.

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