A cheerful young woman sits in the kitchen playing peek-a-boo with her toddler. The child giggles happily. There is a knock on the door. She goes to answer it. Outside stands her landlord accompanied by a couple of police officers and two stern faced people in suits. One of the suited individuals steps forward and says, "In accordance with the new fiscal responsibility act, the state is taking custody of your child." "What?" she thinks, stunned. He walks quickly across the room and scoops up the toddler. Regaining her senses she shouts "Leave my child alone!" and lunges forward. She is grabbed by the officers. The child screeches, "No! Mommy!" The young mother pushes her arms forward but is restrained tight by the police. She pleads desperately, "please don't take my baby. Please!" The child twists and stuggles, wailing and screaming. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" They carry the child out the door and across the yard to a waiting car. They shut the youngster screaming and stuggling into the vehicle. As the car drives off, the last glimpse she has is of her youngster crying and pounding on the glass. The officers push her unceremoniously to the ground. Her landlord speaks. "Because you no longer have the finances to pay your rent, you are hereby evicted." Later we see the young woman again. Now her clothes are torn and ragged, her face dirty. She is rummaging through a dumpster looking for a morsel to eat. She picks up an unrecognizable lump that looks possibly edible. She slumps down beside the dumpster in a dirty alleyway and sobs helplessly. We see her child crying softly and repeating over and over, "Mommy. I want my Mommy." As we pan back on our view we can see the child is surrounded by many other children. Our view shifts back further and we see the toddler is in a very large room, auditorium sized, filled with children. We assume that it is a state run orphanage. The face of the child has become lost among a sea of children.