Bunny Victoria Watson
for music box

On my birthday a friend and her chihuahua presented me with a hand-
cranked music box, some blank paper strips to feed through it, and a
hole puncher.

The box's innards offered two octaves' worth of piano white keys only:
a vocabulary only for pure C major or A minor, without the chromatics
(F-sharp or B-flat) normally at hand to engage secondary tonalities.

The box's innards nevertheless so enthralled Bunny (the chihuahua)
that I set about to write something that she could listen to.

While the resulting punched strips fulfill that purpose, the score itself
(for people) calls for elements that a music box cannot provide, most
especially -- as its mechanism has no dampers -- articulation.

I recommend performance, then, ideally on another instrument or
instruments able to control the timing of note ends.

There are three mini-movements:

Access: score, audio, video.