>From alex Mon Sep 11 18:01:31 MSD 1995 THE MATTER AS PROCESS by Alexander V. Frolov P.O.Box 37, 193024, St.-Petersburg, Russia email: alex@frolov.spb.su "Matter is bound up energy and energy is liberated matter". John Worrell Keely, 1893 "Action is curvature of World". Pavel D. Ouspensky, 1911 INTRODUCTION This conception regards matter as the superposition of waves of density of time that makes possible the carring out of calculations for a guided transformation of space-time parameters. The waves of density of flow of time and the gravitational waves are the same here but chronal approach seems more perspective for development of conception. It may by somewhat fantastic theory but it is not deprive of physical meaning and it can be experimentally verified. TIME AS RADIUS OF SPATIAL CURVATURE The truth of the matter wave theory is now widely recognized. Shredinger's description of electron as a wave packet is well-known. Attractive as this theory may seem at first sight, it is opened to one serious objection: the wave superpositions are unstable and must flow. To solve a problem enable with supposition that particle as stable wave packet can be real in resonator of self-closed local space-time of this particle. It is resonator for waves of density of time, or gravitational waves in other words. As curvature is basic description of the space, as it lead to rolling up of the one-dimensional space ( line ) in circumference, and to self-closing of surface in sphere. It is clear that self-closing of three-dimensional space ( 3-space ) can take place only in direction outside of 3-space, that is the time-direction. By definition, the linear curvature is p=1/r [1/m] F.1 where p is curvature r is radius Sphere curvature is found as total for two lines: p''=2/r [1/m] F.2 By similar arguments, the spatial curvature can be obtaned as sum for three dimensions: p'''=3/r [1/m] F.3 Let's now appeal to simplified model of space-time relation that is established as f=c/l [1/s] F.4 where f is frequency of oscillations [1/s] c is constant of spreading [m/s] l is electromagnetic wave-length [m] As the frequency is inversely proportional to the period f=1/t [1/s] F.5 t=1/f [s] F.6 as for the sake of symmetry it is necessary to consider the fourth parameter, which is inversely proportional to the wave-length p=1/l [1/m] F.7 It is so call "wave number" that is mainly used in spectrum analysis. In case of identification wave-length and curvature radius the formula F.4 can be obtained as f=cp [1/s] F.8 The equality of radius from F.1 and wave-length from F.7 is well-known property of wave-resonator. For linear system like antenna it is optimum length of dipoles of antenna. For 3-space it is resonant process. By this sort of approach the velocity of light can be considered as a factor of summarizing in F.3. The mathematical power 10^8 can be omited here since it is the scale of measurement only. In any case electromagnetic wave is passing 3 units of distance in space for 1 unit of "distance" in time ( 3 decimetre per one microsecond ). The unevenness of real curvature for our space explane the difference coefficient k=3/2,99792458=1,0007 F.9 It is difference that demonstrate the possibility for changes in 3-space. If k=1,(0) it means that space is only 3-dimensional like 3-axises Decart's system. Analogy is k=1,(0) for line. This direct one-dimensional space of line have not any changes and have not time. So, the time as radius of 3-curvature t=r''' [s] F.10 and the time period as linear radius t=r/c [s] F.11 It is correspond to F.4 and F.5 as t=l/c [s] F.12 where l is electromagnetic wave-length Note, for case of r=0 the processes take place instantly and the space is compressed in point. In other limit case the curvature is equal to zero and period tries to obtain infinity. It is the state of stop-time and opened ( flat ) non-curved space. SPATIAL CURVATURE VALUE FOR OUR PLANET Before the continuation let us assume that he theory of similarity for microcosm and macrocosm is true, hence the planet can be considered as elementary particle in certain case. Substitute in the formula of matter wave-length l=h/(MV) [m] F.13 where h is Plank's constant M is mass V is velocity the parameters of our planet and obtain the value l=3,725x10^-63 [m] F.14 In strength of supposition that velocity of light in 3-space is only factor 3, let us assume that in 4-system it is found as total curvature for 4 dimensions and it equal to value 4. In this case the formula for energy E=MC^2=9M F.15 can be transformed in next E=16M' F.16 where M is mass of 3-space description of system M' is mass of 4-space description of system Using F.13 let us represent mass as M=h/(lV) F.17 Note important supposition: The total energy of system is the same independently of different dimensionality description. It means that if one consider energy of system in 3-space only, the same amount of energy ( but in other form of energy ) must be considered in 4-space description because of the system is the same. So, total energy of Universe is the same independently of topology that is using for theory of Universe. Now we obtain the correlation for 4-mass desription and 3-mass description 16 h 9h ---------- = --------- F.18 l' V l'' V where l' is wave-length in 4-space l'' is wave-length in 3-space As the 3-space and 4-space are the same system for different description of energy in it, as the velocity is the same, so we have formula l'= (16/9) l'' F.19 Substitute value for l'' from F.14 and obtain value for 4-wave-length l'=66,22x10^-64 [m] F.20 that conform to curvature p'=1/l'=151,00x10^60 [1/m] F.21 Please, note that it is whole number value. On the other hand, the period of planet rotation around Sun is about 31557600 seconds, that conformes to the oscillation frequency value f=1/t=3,1688x10^-8 [1/s] F.22 The wave-length by F.4 for frequency from F.22 is equal to l=c/f=9,46x10exp16 [m] F.23 The curvature for this length - radius is p=1/l=1,05700x10exp-17 [1/m] F.24 Please, note the whole number value here also. The 10^-17 is the scale of measurement question only. The correlation of F.24 and F.21 is clear p/p'=7x10^-80 F.25 The mathematical connection of a matter wave-length ( so call De Broigl's wave ) and electromagnetic wave-length for such sort natural mass-object as planet is the confirmation of the supposition that the Time for 3-space can be considered as radius of its curvature that display itself as changes or processes in this 3-space. The "self-closing" of 3-space is demonstrating as periodical self-reproduction of spatial material objects in time, or "existance in time from Past in Future". WHOLE NUMBERS FOR VALUES OF CURVATURE Let us consider two examples to show why description of Time as radius of spatial curvature is useful. The calculation for Bohr's radius: r=0.52917 Angstrom F.26 The curvature p=1/r=3,0075x10^9 [1/m] F.27 The linear curvature by F.3 is p'=p/3=1,0025x10^9 [1/m] F.28 So, the curvature for space of hydrogen atom is equal to unit and in strength of this reason it is impossible to create the atom that have curvature lower than unit. Deviation k=1,0025 is demonstration of possibility for changes in this space, as noted above. Another example is DNA molecule. the unfolded spire-length of it is equal to 71,441 Angstrom. By F.1 it is conformes to a curvature value p=1/l=14x10^7 [1/m] F.29 Note, that this value is whole number 14,0000 up to fourth sign. Conclusion: stable form of any natural element of matter from atom to molecules is possible only for whole number value of curvature of space of this element. Element can be linear (one-dimensional), flat (two-dimensional) or spatial (three-dimensional). Following the practical experience of the calculation of corkscrew antenna parameters it is known that the optimal correlation of the pitch and wave-length is equal to 0,24. For DNA-helical structure this correlation is equal to 0,48. So, value 14 from F.29 can be considered as 7x2 or double-self-closed. In other words, period of natutral processes is 720 degrees or two 360 degrees cycles. Experimental evidence favours this assumption since some elementary particles spin period is equal to 720 degrees. Now let us make calculation for displacement of spiral DNA branches. Two branches have period 34 Angstrom and displacement 23,8 Angstrom. In other words, the "back wave" is displaced relatively to the "direct wave" on 0,7 of the period of wave. It is 50,088 Angstrom and by F.1 it is curvature p=2x10^8 [1/m] F.30 The conclusion: Branches of DNA molecule are created by means of displacement from zero-state, when branches are in the same place, and value of this displacement is correspond to unit of curvature. Formula F.30 show p=2 since both branches are moved in opposite sides from zero-state on unit of curvature p=1. In conventional form it correspond to certain distance in Angstrom, for example. This idea can be generalized for electron-positron pair also to find conditions for resonant zero-point oscillations. CONCLUSIONS The parameters of matter as process can be calculated by means of "spatial curvature method" considered above. Stable state of certain chemical element can be described as "whole number position" for value of curvature. The guided transformation of this position can be applicated for resonance stimulation of nuclear transmutation to get power output for transmission of matter from high-energy level of existance to lower-energy level according to well-known formulation 1 1 p=R{--------- - -----------} F.31 Nexp2 Mexp2 where p=1/l is wave number, physically "p" is curvature for radius r=l; R is Ridberg's constant; N is number of lower level; M is number of upper level. If the curvature difference between two stable states of matter is known it is possible to calculate the energy portion for resonance stimulation of transformation ( fusion or splitting ) for matter. Formula for energy is E = h f F.32 where h is Plank's constant f is frequency By F.4 obtain that energy can be calculated as h c E = ---------- F.33 l where l is electromagnetic wave-length of stimulation Since technical possibility for creation of electromagnetic waves are limited there are another way also. In strength of correlation F.25 the resonance stimulation is possible by means of "matter wave" or De Broigl's waves. It would be premature to say about the validity of this conception since the assumptotions underlying it are opened to question. It is necessary to make the experimental verification of this approach to the resonant nature of matter. In case of its practicable the control by the spatial curvature, rate of time and stability of matter can be discussed not as fantasy but as technology. Alexander V. Frolov The Institute for Free Energy, St.-Petersburg, Russia ======================================================================= Author is interested in serious proposals for joint work on experimental verification of this conception. P.O.Box 37, 193024, St.-Petersburg, Russia. alex@frolov.spb.su --- Alexander V. Frolov email: alex@frolov.spb.su P. O. Box 37, St.-Petersburg, 193024, Russia """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""