The Ai Kong Page

This is Ai Kong

Ai Kong is from China
She and her dad were neighbors of mine in Bellevue
Ai and her dad also happen to be 75th and 76th generation
Direct Descendents of (no kidding) Chinese philospher Confucius
Is that the coolest thing, or what?

Ai is a very serious and studious young lady
She graduated very high in her class at Bellevue High School
With a 3.6 GPA (So I'm told)
But she knows how to be silly too

Here is Ai at her very firstMajor League Baseball Game
(Our own Seattle Mariners 4/11/1999)
where she got quite cozy with the Mariner Moose

Here's Ai at the Space Needle with Val

Click Here
to go to Ai's Web-site
I'm sure she'll have some news posted there

(And if you run into her on-line...say hi for me)