A special DEAL for my net.friends!

Well, if you have read this far, I am impressed! I wanted to offer you all on the 'Net a special deal, and here it is!

If you are willing to pay the postage, I will send you a CD. I was just sending them for free, but the cost became a bit of a burden on me! I am sorry that I can no longer offer a totally free CD, but I have to eat, you know! I am looking into the option of sending it postage due, and if I can do this, this is the way I will work it. I will post details as I get them. If you are using lynx, hit c to send me mail. Otherwise, click on the email address below. Thanks for reading!


Other Malchick Merchandise available.

cute Other River Music logo

I'll be damned!

Or, write me at: calvin@eskimo.com for more information.

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