(the following was reprinted without permission from the April, 1993 issue of The Urban Spelunker)

The Malchicks - Bad Acid Comedy

(CD, Other River Music)

I'm looking through my CD's, and the "M's" are
under-represented. Sure I've got some Mudhoney, Modern Lovers, Mazzy
Star... Fortunately I picked up a release by a local band to fill the
void. The Malchicks are a refreshingly welcome addition to the post-grunge
entourage; they're a smart bunch of guys that seem to understand that a
bunch of well written songs, played with spirit, can survive in any
musical climate. They describe themselves as "Power-Folk" - which is
reasonably fitting. Their music differs, however, from, say, The
Walkabouts, who use added instrumentation and production to get the
job done. Bad Acid Comedy has a homey feel, anchored by some very
pleasant acoustic guitar, and Alex Berkey's strong vocals (he sounds a
little like Chris Cornell without the screams). Of the ten songs,
there are no dogs. "For The Moment" shows their feathers: clever,
well played, and a memorable melody. Perhaps the most radio-ready
tune on the CD is "Sweet Time" - I haven't heard it on the radio, but
I'd like to. The Malchicks have put together a great piece of work,
and if I had the money I'd buy it for you. Pick it up.

- Dan Eelskin

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