Kingsmen personnel

Over the years many people have claimed to have been Kingsmen. The following is the complete list of all Kingsmen from 1959 to the present: (if your name is not here, you were never a Kingsmen!)

Mike Mitchell (1959-present)
Lynn Easton (1959-67)
Jack Ely (1959-63)
Bob Nordby (1959-63)
Don Gallucci (1962-63)
Gary Abbott (1962-63)
Norm Sundholm (1963-67)
Dick Peterson (1963-present)
Barry Curtis (1963-present)
Kerry Magness (1966-67)
J.C. Reick (1966-67)
Pete Borg (1967-67)
Jeff Beals (1967-68)
Steve Friedson (1967-73)
Fred Dennis (1972-84)
Andy Parypa (1982-84)
Kim Nicklaus (1982-84)
Marc Willett (1984-92)
Steve Peterson (1988-present)
Todd McPherson (1992-present)

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