C.G. Jung Society, Seattle

Direct Links to Online Book Information

Beginning this year, the Society is providing online readers with the convenience of direct links to further information about any books mentioned on its web pages. Primarily, this will make it easier to learn about or purchase books that presenters have written or recommended. This service is being offered in association with Amazon.com, which can take online orders for any books in its database. This arrangement also benefits the Society; the Jung Society earns a small commission on any purchases you make following a direct link to Amazon from a link on our site. (Note that the commission does not change the book's sale price--there is no additional charge to the book buyer.)

When appropriate, links will also be provided to online information about videos and compact discs.

Thank you for your support!

Amazon.com Associate Statement

C.G. Jung Society, Seattle home page

Updated: 23 December 1999
