
Stephen Covey Bookstore

A few Covey books were to be included on the Project Management list, but the number and variety warrants a separate page. Many links to comments posted at Amazon Books are included, please drop me a note with your own recommendations and comments!

Covey's material is a valuable tool for everyday life as well as management. His popular 7 Habits probably doesn't say much that others haven't addressed, but he puts all this together in a powerful interlocking structure. First Things First starts as a restatement of Habit 3, but there is lots more material here and the "compass and the clock" (being effective vs efficient) is a powerful daily decision tool. Try the audio tapes, you'll listen to them more than once...

NOTE: We're associated with Books, so you can buy books directly here with a guarantee of Amazon's pricing (20% to 40% off on 400,000 books) and service (2.5 million titles available). Prices and availability shown are as of October 1997, but should be used as a rough guide only as these can change often. Shipping is around $4 for the first book and $1 each after that, so it pays to order more at once!

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