This page is a subsection of the Unofficial Flags FAQ
Page updated 11-20-2011

please flag with care: [?]

best of craigslist

A: Aaaak!. My ad got flagged off! Wazzup with that??

  Wazzup with it is your free classified ad annoyed enough of your fellow craigslist users to get it removed.

  But first things first. Do a little attitude check. Go ahead, right now. How do you feel? Are you annoyed? Angry? Outraged? A bit bewildered?. Consider that having your free classified ad taken down is hardly a big deal. It's not like your dog came down with herpes or your (now) ex-roomie skipped on the phone bill AND scored your favorite Flaming Turds CD. It's just an ad. Cost you nothing but a bit of time. If you are getting a big emotional reaction over it stop reading right about now. You have emotional issues. You need a therapist, not a FAQ. The authors of this humble document cannot help you. You could post a flaming "suggestion" in the Feed Back Forum filled with passionate references to Flag Nazis, unfairness, censorship, Freedom of Speech, injustice, etc., etc. Many people do. Perhaps it makes them feel better. But nobody will care except for a few trolls who will be mildly amused at your distress. So get Help, really.


Four quick shortcuts (but sometimes shortcuts won't get the job done!):

To go directly to the list of examples of things users flag, go here.
If you believe your ad was one of the 2% craigslist says is wrongly flagged off, go here.
For problems with a W4M ad, check this out.
If your ad involved an animal or animal services, try This.

To understand how the system works and diagnose what might have gone wrong with your ad, keep reading...

   Ads get removed two ways; users flag them off or staff removes them. We will look at both cases. The important thing is you want your ad to stay up. So; figure out what went wrong and don't do it no more. End of problem.

Users flagged your ad off.

Staff removed your ad

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