WWDXC Home Page

WWDXC Meetings

WWDXC Officers

2003 Minutes

2004 Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes - 2005

These are the minutes from the club Board meetings as recorded by the club Secretary. Board minutes are approved at the following Board meeting and are published in the Totem Tabloid.

01/31/2005 - WWDXC Board Meeting - Group Health Building

Incoming President:	     Denny Bowman W7SNH
Outgoing President:	Pat Shinners W7GTO
Treasurer: 			  Marina Zuetell N7LSL
Vice President: 	      Roger Huntley W7VV
Trustee: 			  Dick Swanson K7BTW
Trustee: 		     Herb Holeman W7ZF
Trustee: 		     Hillar Raamat N6HR
Trustee: 		     Jim Hadlock K7WA
Secretary: 		  Brian Moran N9ADG

The board welcomed new Trustees Herb and Hillar

Minutes were read and approved from the last meeting. 

Marina sent $150 to the Red Cross, the unspent remaining amount budgeted for FY2004 Dxpedition sponsorships, for Tsunami aid.


3 Totem Awards were received, along with W7DX QSL mail. 

The DXpedition support policy was reviewed in consultation with the top-100 needed list. At this time, no changes were recommended, and 
the policy remains at:
$100 to 1-25 on 100 most needed list (per DX magazine)
$50 to 26-50
$25 to 51-100

Treasurer's report
Review of last year's budget was performed, and estimates for formulating this year's budget were taken.  At the next meeting we'll 
review the tentative 2005 budget.The treasurers report was accepted by the board.

Old Business
        ROSTER: The Roster is ready and should be dropping into USmail or Email inboxes very, very shortly. A web-suitable version 
will appear on the club website shortly, as well.

After discussion of the ongoing need for a video projector at club meetings, a motion to purchase a computer/video projector was 
made, and carried. $600 will be budgeted to acquire a projector with a known history.

New Business
        Club Speakers : a discussion took place over what the right policy should be with respect to paying for a non-member-presenter's 
meal (excluding alcoholic beverages) at the club meeting. A motion was made and carried to add this item into the tentative budget. 

Bylaws: Hillar has volunteered to review the current and previous bylaws, constitution, articles and general documents 
associated with the charter and operation of the club. 

Puyallup Hamfest: The club, through the volunteer effort of K7WA and some of the membership, will have a table at the event to encourage 
new members to join.

FIELD DAY: The general need to begin planning and execution in earnest was expressed. Discussion revolved around location and 
insurance. K7ST will once again be Field Day chairman, assisted by W7ZF.

PICNIC: MARK THE DATE - August 27 at W7VV's (becoming more a tradition with each year!) location

PNW DX Convention 2005  - August 5,6,7 in Portland, Oregon.
PNW DX Convention 2007  - It's not to soon to select a non-conflicting date, and scout for locations

The meeting adjourned at approx 20:45

WWDXC Board Meeting 02/28/2005

In attendance
Denny W7SNH
Jim K7WA
Dick K7BTW
Herb W7ZF
Hillar N6HR
Kirk N7UK
Marina N7LSC
Brian N9ADG

Meeting called to order at 1903
Minutes were approved from the last meeting.

Denny receive the QSLs for W7DX from Adam (which are from the buro).  A QSL-ing party is apparently in order.

A list of 18 new amateurs in the area was received from Harry, Denny sent congratulatory letters to them.

A letter was received from the ARRL soliciting for the DXZ Contest plaque

A flier was received from the Yakima Hamfest

Treasurer's Report
Last month 228.43 was spent, zero was received. A discussion about what policy to pursue for those members not current with their dues was discussed 
The proposed budget was then examined line by line;
The programs budget was increased to $300 -- to be 'comparable' with what other clubs are doing, we'll now pay for 
a speaker's meal, speaker's spouse's meal;
The ever-popular raffle will be streamlined and potentially improved over the next year by providing the 
opportunity for increased funding depending on the previous months' collection
After further review, the budget is nearly balance, and after the extensive discussion was approved by the board.

New Membership form
Jim has put together a new member application form to replace the old ones, as well as a new single-page brochure 
to promote the club at such events as Hamfests. The changes made update the club to reflect current
activities and status and minimize the unneeded information collected. The new forms were accepted pending small changes.

New Business
Tsunami Relief
W7TSQ proposed some significant donation to the amateurs or organizations involved in Tsunami Relief. It was noted 
that although the board voted the remaining 2004 DX budget ($150) to Hurricane relief in December, it instead went to the 
Red Cross for Tsunami relief since the Florida operation was $8000 OVER their goal.
Resolved: THe board will send an additional $100 (bringing the total to $250) to an organization involved in that 
area. THe secretary will research and present information on the potential recipients by the next meeting. Also, at the 
next meeting, a collection will be taken from the general membership to be sent along with the additional amount.

Hillar has been spelunking through the historical club documents in search of the original and revised versions of 
by-laws and articles. He believe he has found the original, plus two revisions, latest update made in 1996.  He is 
approximately 75% of the way completed on a DRAFT of new bylaws, which will be presented to the board for
review.  Certain changes are needed to reflect current rules and conditions regarding bylaws.

Salmon Run
The board is looking for creative ways to increase participation in the Salmon run, perhaps encouraging greater 
international presentation. Hillar pointed out that emphasis was needed on bands where these contacts could be made, and 
from counties that were needed by international stations. THe event will be talked up at the Hamfest in Puyallup...

W7DX/WWDXC web site & email addresses The secretary will contact N0AX to see if it's
possible to get email addresses for W7DX added to QRZ.COM and QTH.Com and any other place, as well as provide
"membership@wwdxc.org" email address for general questions/comments.

Other events
Field day will be held on the eastside in Preston at the QTH of club member N9ADG. Herb W7ZR is overall 
coordinator, Jim K7WA will be heading up UHF/VHF Operations.

The Portland DX Convention is in August, club is looking into ability for members to go as a group, perhaps by 
train, to the convention. 

The meeting was Adjourned just before 2100.

WWDXC Board Meeting 03/28/2005

In attendance
Roger W7VV
Denny W7SNH
Jim K7WA
Joe W7QC
Dick K7BTW
Herb W7ZF
Elsie N7YX
Hillar N6HR
Kirk N7UK
Marina N7LSL
Brian N9ADG

Meeting called to order at 1855

Minutes were approved from the last meeting.

1 Application for the fiendishly difficult NAANY award received

No new member applications received, it is close to the annual renewal time. Jim will send renewal forms to all members 
active in 2004, some from 2003. There was further discussion on renewal criteria. The renewal notices will go out at the end of April

Roster No email roster has circulated yet. Five renewals were received at Puyallup

Treasurer's report
2 dues payments were received in February.
The Repeater rent was paid.

Old Business
A check for the VU4 relief/operation was being sent to the appropriate people via Hillar at Visalia. 

DX Cluster - THe cluster repeater is moving to Mike Mraz's house

Card Checking - N7UX is looking for someone to take over the card checking duties

New Business
Member and Rookie of the Year awards
Nominations were taken, and the board voted on the recipients of these awards.

Hillar has received input from members of the board, and will be redrafting and resending out a new version of proposed new 
bylaws. They could be voted and accepted by the board as soon as April, after which they will be presented to the membership as a 
whole for discussion and voting.  The President will set a date and time for the membership meeting in which the potential new bylaws 
will be presented.

Next Meeting: April 12 - Elks Club in Lake City - Subject: VP5W

Club's special service status - The Secretary will review and renew for this year.

Club repeater - the President took it upon himself to coordinate with Herb, W7ZX, regarding the club's repeater activities. 

WWDXC representation at Puyallup - Consensus is that we could use a new banner and expanded promotional activities at next year's 
Puyallup hamfest. Suggestions were discussed to show videos, have the Salmon Run results available, be able to renew/sign up members 
on the spot, etc.  Marina will provide information to the board (AFTER THE ECOM conference) regarding how to get a great looking 
banner made.

W7DX QSL Cards - disscussion ensued on what to do with the response to incoming QSLs for club operations. Consensus was that future club-
call operations will be strongly encouraged to provide electronic logs in a format tbd but likely ADIF to the club call QSL 
chairperson, who for this year will also be the secretary. It was also suggested that the user of the club call be responsible for 
responding to QSLs for their operation. 

WWDXC Web Master - to better recognize the work done on the club's behalf, the position of "webmaster" for the club was established, 
with WA0RJY in this position.

Packet Cluster Chairperson - In a similar move, a new role of "Packetmaster" er, Packet Cluster Chairperson was established, 
Mike Mraz taking on this role with the move of the equipment to his location. 

Field Day - Herb will update the board with the plans upon his return from vacation in Arizona.

DX Convention - since there are many people known to be going to the Portland DX Convention, it was thought that it might be fun to try 
to get the group to go as a whole through the use AMTRAK  (or some other means) -- however upon investigation, it was found that AMTRAK 
wasn't convenient to the location of the convention, and parking in Seattle wasn't particularly easy either. Unless someone steps forth 
to organize, people will be on their own to get to the show.

Salmon Run - There was a desire expressed to get out more PR early for this event this year.  
WWDXC Board Meeting 04/25/2005
In attendance: 
Denny W7SNH
Roger W7VV
Jim   K7WA
Marina N7LSL
Pat   W7GTO
Dick   K7BTW
Hillar N6HR
Elsie  N7YX
Herb   W7ZF
Kirk   N7UK

Minutes were accepted from last month's meeting

   renewals are coming in, despite official notices just being sent 
out now for renewals

Treasurer's report:
   $155 received last month, $403 spent last month, mainly on DX 
plaques and Tsunami Relief.
   Treasurer's report was accepted by the board

   Renewals for 160 are being sent out
   No new memberships received this month
   The Secretary will be retrieving mail from POBOX until 5/25 

Old Business:
   Mike Mraz will be taking over the packet operational details from Kurt 
   W7DX QSL cards - Kt7G has voluteered to take over QSLing and other W7DX related chores
   Roger our VP will be sending thank-you letters to presenters
   Kirk N7UK will be coordinating our Puyallup promotional activities.
   Herb W7ZF will be assuming the responsibilities related to the 
   W7DX repeater operations, and coordinate with Denny to meet with Norm to transfer day-to-day operations.

New Business:
   Kevin K7RX is the new award membership chairperson

   Marina will be investigating the possibility of obtaining new and 
better insurance for the club.

   ByLaws -- another go-round of small changes was made, and likely 
will be able to present the bylaws to the membership in June

Next Monthly Meeting:
   The May meeting is at Angelos in Burien, regarding recent operations by FT5XO - Our own Mike Mraz, who recognized many of our 
club member calls during his CW operations there - will be presenting.   At the June Meeting, there will be some Lifetime Achievement 
awards presented (program yet TBD).

Special Activities:
   An owner of Salmon Run promotional activities was determined 
   Field Day: Herb W7ZF provided an update on field day planning, and a field trip is planned to the 2005 field day site to determine 
tentative station locations. Sign ups for people interested in operating the various stations will be started online and continued 
through the next general meetings.
WWDXC Board Meeting 05/23/2005 
Note that the meeting was held one week earlier than normal this 
month due to the holiday weekend of the 30th.

In Attendance:
Hillar  N6HR
Elsie N6XY
Kirk    N7UK
Joe W7QN
Denny W7SNH
Marina N7LSL
Herb W7ZF 
Brian N9ADG

The Secretary was not only late for the meeting by approximately 8 minutes, and additionally was suitably chastised for not stopping by 
the club PO box to pick up the mail.  Consequently, there may have been correspondence, but it remained unread, safely ensconced in the 
PO Box, during the entire meeting.

The Treasurer's report was reviewed and approved.
The Secretary is to follow up with N0AX to make sure an email address for W7DX is on QRZ.com (and has since found out that QRZ.COM 
lists "membership@wwdxc.org" as the contact email address on QRZ.COM. Thanks Ward!)

The Packet Cluster equipment has been moved to N6MZ QTH

Our w7dx Repeater site (147.00, input 600Kc down)  was visited on 5/17, and the backup machine seen, in preparation for transition to 
Herb W7ZF as coordinator. A discussion ensued about appropriate use of the machine, and consideration given to ARES/RACES usage as 

W7DX callsign is to be transitioned to the new trustee KT7G

The new WWDXC Bylaws, thoughtfully drafted by Hillar, redrafted, and reviewed by the board over the last few months will be placed before 
the membership at large for review and a vote "real soon now", after a motion was carried by the board. A suggestion to have the bylaw 
voting meeting at field day was shouted down by the president.

FIELD DAY FIELD DAY FIELD DAY. Remember, Field Day is June 25,26 this year, 11am Saturday to 11am Sunday. There have been some rule 
revisions regarding field day, check them out on http://www.arrl.org/contests/announcements/fd/ .

Field Day: There will be a site review and final needs assessment done on 6/11. Those interested in attending please contact Herb 
W7ZF. OPERATORS ARE NEEDED for the PHONE station, CW Station, Digital Station. PRIME operating times are still Available! Watch 
the Tabloid and your email inbox for more FIELD DAY related information.  

Can you guess which of the following will NOT be present at field day?

Multi Element Beams
Hot Dogs
Logging Software
Beverages (both kinds)
Live Chickens
G5RV Variants
Ample room for tents
Great spirits
Fuel in the form of Ethanol AND gasoline

See Herb W7ZF or a station captain at the next general meeting, or send email to Herb to participate. All are welcome.
WWDXC Board Meeting 6/27/05

The meeting was convened by the president at 7:06:15.34

The Minutes from the last board meeting were reviewed, and overwhelmingly accepted by the board.


RTTY Component for NW trophy -- A lively discussion was had regarding adding in the RTTY components of the
appropriate contests which are now part of the NW 

Trophy. The original request was from the Portland club. The intent would be to include three additional
contests as opportunities to score points for the yearly trophy challenge.  It was resolved that the President
will notify the Portland club that we're in agreement with their plans.

Request for funding for Glorioso Island DXpedition -- FR/G is going to be active later this year, and the
board voted $100 in support of the operation.

There was a request from a member regarding providing more tutorials on logging, amps, QSLing, etc. as related to DXing; while there wasn't a clear action 
plan, the Vice President has noted the request for future meeting material.

The recipient of the W7PHO scholarship wrote a wonderful thank-you letter to the WWDXC.  

Treasurer's Report:
The Treasurer presented the numbers on the finances. 
.-- .   .--- ..- ... -  ... .- ...- . -..  .-  - ---
-. --- ..-. -- --- -. . -.--   --- -.  --- ..- .-. 
-.-. .-.. ..- -...  .. -. ... ..- .-. .- -. -.-. . 

Membership Report:
150 Renewal notices were sent out 4/9, we've received 95 renewals as of 6/27.

Old Business:
The Secretary is going to check of the membership email alias works.
KT7G is going to be the new W7DX license trustee

New Business:
Hillar is going to make minor revisions to the proposed new bylaws in response to feedback received
from club members.  The final version will be voted on in September. 

Stay tuned for details on the 2005 picnic; please reserve the usual date in August for this event.

There will be no Board meeting in July
There will be no General meeting in August
The October board meeting will be on October 24.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm

Field day Recap:
The 2005 Field day event was held in Preston, WA; We
were class 3A; the operators involved were:
Hillar    N6HR                
Elsie     N7YX                
Brian     N9ADG             
Pat       W7GTO            
Joe       W7QN             
Dick      K7BTW             
Roger     W7VV              
Joe       W7QN              
Jim       K7WA              
Alan      N7BF              
Paul      NG7T              
John      N7SEJ
Jack      WA0RJY           
Herb      W7ZF
Sam       WC7Q
Denny     W7SNH            
Emma & Sam Moran (No calls yet)

While a full recap of field day will be provided in a program or tabloid article(s), the club tentatively made
2058 QSO's on CW/Phone/RTTY (VHF and HF combined).

WWDXC Board Meeting 2005/08/29

In Attendance:
Joe W7QN
Denny W7SNH
Roger W7VV
Jim K7WA
Herb W7ZF
Marina N7LSL
John N7TT
Brian N9ADG
Dick K7BTW

Meeting Minutes from June were reviewed and approved

Requests from A52, 3Y, and K7C were received. A52 and 3Y qualified for the $50 funding level; K7C was voted
to receive $100.

Treasurer's report
The new insurance binder was received and reviewed. $25 will be sent to Willamette for QSL Cards
The July Treasurers report was reviewed and approved

4 new membership applications were received this month.
160 renewals were sent out, 113 have been returned as of this date. 
The Roster is in progress, expect electronic distribution of the new version; completion set for September

W7DX Trustee
Paperwork has been filed with FCC to change the trustee to KT7G

Travelling NW Award
RTTY has been added "on probation" to the travelling inter-club competition, for a period of one year.
Details of the three added contests to be described in the tabloid.

Hillar Ramat is taking over the contest coordinator position

They've been available for review on the web site since June, and will be voted on at the September
meeting by the membership.

W7DX Repeater
There will be a survey of repeater user usage and aspirations soon.

Next Month's general meeting - ANGELOS IN BURIEN

New business
MIRO (Mercer Island Radio Organization) would like WWDXC to give a presentation, K7WA to handle

September 17 and 18 brings the seasonal migration of QSOs to Washington State. Make sure you get on the air
that weekend, especially if you can hand out the rarer counties. While the competition isn't cutthroat, there are some
mighty runs that can occur.  New for this year is the elimination of the no-spot rule. This should cut down on any potential
fishy business. 

Field day wrap up
Herb noted that despite our FD entry class of 3A vs another well-known club's entry of 6A, our scores were within 10-20% of 

Willamette Valley DX Club Convention 
John N7TT mentioned that the WVDXC convention was a resounding success, and suggested some of the
techniques that contributed.

WWDXC DXCC Card Checker in the offing!
The club is going to have it's own ARRL Sanctioned DXCC Card checker. Dick, K7BTW, has volunteered to
take the test and has been recommended by the club to the ARRL.
WWDXC Board Meeting 2005-09-26

Hillar N6HR
Marina N7LSL
Joe W7QN
Denny W7SNH
Roger W7VV
Jim K7WA
Dick K7BTW
Brian N9ADG

The minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and approved.

A thank-you from the 3y0 operation was received for our donation
A note to W7OZ was written expressing the club's consensus on the HR fund challenge

Treasurer's Report:
A CD is coming due, it will be rolled over into another
Reimbursement rules of the road were handed out & reviewed, then approved

Membership Report:
New member W7UDH
The New roster has been PDF'd and is finished! Hooray!

Old Business:
Final update on bylaws was taken before the membership and approved! Hooray!
The final version will be on the website .. shortly.
Tower stuff -- The secretary promises to beat up the tower hardware custodian to collect bits and pieces that are lent to the 

New Business:
Contest Chairman N7WA has agreed to continue for at least another year.
WWDXC has been asked to participate in some pre WRTC chores (for WRTC). W7SNH volunteers to follow up with K7SS.
Salmon Run - the BOD discussed the past history and future aspirations of the club for the salmon run to put the recent 
   rule changes, mode additions, etc. in perspective. 

The meeting was adjourned at 07:59:48
WWDXC Board Meeting October 24, 2005

Hillar N6HR
Jim K7WA
Joe W7QN
Roger W7VV
Dick K7BTW

Meeting was called to order promptly at 1900

Minutes from September were thoroughly reviewed and approved by the board.

New Business
ARRL International DX Contest plaques - The club sponsors two plaques for the ARRL Int'l DX contest -
JA Low Power SSB and JA Low Power CW. The board moved to
continue to sponsor these plaques for 2006.

Treasurer's Report
Presented in absentia, it was reviewed by the board

Membership Report
38 second notice renewal notices were sent out; three renewals have been received.
The Web information available on our members will be updated to reflect renewals and new members

DX Repeater Questionnaire
The Questionnaire was sent out to the membership; results were unavailable
Other Repeater news
The club is in receipt of an offer by a large equipment manufacturer to sponsor repeater operation costs. More
news later.

Salmon Run
The Salmon Run "committee" will meet in November, probably, to do the scoring on this past year's contest.
Jim K7WA will keep the board up to date on the progress as it's available.

Jim will be presenting to the MIRO (Mercer Island Radio Organization) club in December regarding the
activities of the WWDXC

Web Site
The board will investigate making the links to obtain club badges and QSL cards more prominent on the web site

Tabloid & Badges
The board discussed the desirability of eliminating as of January 1, 2006 the Totem Tabloid print edition to
lessen the burden on our publisher Jack WA0RJY, as well as save the club additional $$.

The board is exploring the inclusion of a membership badge as part of the new members package; consultation with
the Treasurer on the implications of doing so was delayed until the next meeting. The desire was to make this change
coincident with the elimination of the print edition of the Tabloid.

Contest Update
Hillar points out that there's a movement afoot to have the "7QP" - Seventh Area QSO Party, on the 1st or 2nd
weekend in May. As a new event, it would encourage participation by making each county multipliers, etc. The details are being
worked out by a committee via email -- Hillar promises to keep the board appraised of the progress

Club Meeting Presentations
November - Ward Silver, tanned and ready to run, will be presenting on the Kure Island DXpedition "Kure Island: How I Stopped
Worrying and Learned to Love the Crabs" (okay, we made that part up)

(ignore comments like these in parentheses)

Officers and Directors Elections - it's that time again! Everything that makes a democracy great! Nominations!
(Vote buying and Gerrymandering!)

November - Time to plot your strategy to make sure YOUR candidate is nominated, whether they like it or not!

December - Be there for the action! Back room deals. Surprise candidates. Voting!
(See how 90 votes can be squeezed out of 57 attending members!)

All of the officer positions are officially open, and any Trustee position expiring in 2005 is open.
See a current member of the board if you'd like to nominate someone, or have any questions in your consideration
of a role as a club officer or trustee.

WWDXC Board Meeting - November 27, 2005

In Attendance:
Elsie N7YX
Hillar N6HR
Kirk N7UK
Joe W7QN
Denny W7SNH
Jim K7WA
Marina N7LSL
Herb W7ZF
Brian N9ADG

The President called the meeting to order at 1900.

Minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and accepted.

WRTC 2006 - The Team Captain was elected -- Ward N0AX is the team captain, and is proceeding with his duties
QSLs for W7DX were also received

Treasurers Report
No Substantial activity was noted this month, however the treasurer is still not in receipt of receipts
from the Secretary for Field Day. The expenses for publishing of the Tabloid have not been received in a
while, and no remit can be made when they are in remiss.

Two renewals were received; the club has approximately 120 members

Old Business
Repeater - Herb took a survey of the club members, and the consensus seems to be that spots and voice traffic are
incompatible. There was some interest on the part of some club members to use the repeater, however the spot traffic
made conventional voice use difficult. The secretary volunteered to work with Herb and W7LFA tosee if there's a way to coordinate voice and spot
traffic better. As a side note, a notable locally based manufacturer of radio gear has expressed interest in assisting with
our repeater operational expenses; Herb/Denny to follow up.

Salmon Run Committee - some expenses for Salmon were received by the Treasurer, however the usual end-of-contest
processing for the Salmon run hasn't occurred yet. Jim will follow up with members of the committee.

Totem Tabloid & Membership badges
The board moved and approved the inclusion of a callsign badge with initial club membership for new members
starting January 1. Jim will revise the membership forms as appropriate commensurate with the change.

ELECTIONS - The President reminds everyone that anyone can be nominated by anyone (including themselves) to be a
candidate for club officer or club director. See the nominating committee (N0AX, n0ax, and Ward Silver) to nominate.

New Business
Dick K7BTW will be assisting Kevin K7RX as Awards Chairman, as Kevin has been having difficulty getting to
meetings lately. The club is also reminded that Dick is now an official ARRL Card checker.

2006 Budget Process - The 2006 budget is being considered and constructed, so it's crucial to have all expenses
from 2005 known and accounted for.

Angelo's in Bellevue - The marked contrast of the hospitality and menu between Burien and Bellevue Angelo's was noted
and discussed by the board members. Denny volunteered to encourage further discussion, culminating in speaking
with the Angelo's staff.

December Meeting - Elk's Club in Lake City. The Holiday Club Meeting will feature Non-linear mixing and discussion &
practice in the appropriate use of organic solvents, such as alcohol.

January Meeting - The recent Pribiloff Island expedition by Elsie and Hillar Ramat.

WWDXC presents to Mercer Island Radio Operators (MIRO) - Jim and Denny will be presenting to the Mercer Island
Radio Club on 12/15.

The Seventh Area QSO Party (" 7 Q P ") - Hillar has been following and participating in the discussions of this
new-next-year operating event, scheduled for May 6 & 7 of 2006. Similar in nature to other regional QSO parties,
Hillar reminds that there is a lively discussion underway on some internet mailing lists about the contest.

SKYWARN DAY - DECEMBER 3, 2005 -- Watch for local participation in this Nationwide exercise for SKYWARN

W7DX will likely be on the air for the ARRL 160M contest starting this Friday (2200Z).

| WWDXC Home Page | Who Are We? | Club Activities | Calendar of Events | FTP Site | DX Information | Contest Information | Propagation

Information | Ham Radio Links |


Page last updated on 01/13/2006
Please direct any questions about this web site to

Western Washington DX Club
PO Box 395
Mercer Island, WA 98040