MPOS Press Release 97-0102
For immediate distribution to the Philatelic press and Internet.


In "Ask the Experts," Joe Fishbein examines the regulations governing handling of third class mail by R.P.O.s.

Will Keller turns his Highway Post Offices column over to Nancy B.Z. Clark, who writes about "H.P.O.s at the Olympic Games." Although they were not called H.P.O.s by the USPS, there were mobile post offices, servicing Atlanta during the 1996 Olympics, and they had distinctive postmarks.

David Gentry writes about a new die of the Philadelphia & Manayunk R.P.O. (street car) handstamp and about new EKUs and LKUs of the Philadelphia & Frankford and Philadelphia & West Philadelphia R.P.O.s.

In his T.P.O. column, Will Keller announces more changes in the United Kingdom railway mail system. He also discusses the Penzance-Bristol TPO and some recent developments in German TPOs.

Guy Purington's RFD column returns with an article on manuscript RFD postmarks.

Cover Sales Department and the regular mail bid sale are included.

Plus.........much, much more!

Mobile Post Office Society, founded in 1950, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the study of enroute distribution of mail, emphasizing postal history of the USA but including information and study of operations from all countries of the world. Interested collectors can receive a sample copy of "Transit Postmark Collector" for $2.00 postpaid, or a membership application by writing to Doug Clark, PO Box 427, Marstons Mills MA 02648 or by email to Doug.

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