The kernel directory contains two subdirectories, "client" and "server". There are files ending in .deb and files ending in .rpm. The files ending in .deb are Linux kernels for Debian / Ubuntu / Mint / Zorin / MxLinux / PopOS and other debian based distributions. They can be installed with "dpkg -i *.deb". The files ending in .rpm are Linux kernels for Redhat. They will work with Fedora, Rocky, Alma, and other Redhat derived distributions. They can be installed with "rpm -i *.rpm". Note that Redhat will not allow two copies of kernel headers to be installed at the same time so you will need to remove the existing headers first with "rpm -e kernel-headers --nodeps". They are not compiled for non-Intel platforms but the ".config" file is also provided in the same directories should you wish to use this as a starting point for your own kernels. The "server" kernel is non-preemptive, tickless, and 100HZ clock interval. The "client" kernel is fully preemptive, tickless, and 100HZ clock interval but since it is fully preemptive it will still provide low latency without running your battery dead. Download all the packages of whichever kernel you wish and then type: dpkg -i *.deb or rpm -i *.rpm If you get an error about headers already existing, remove them first as described above. Any problems / feedback: