Stuckle: Takeoffs on a Bar Each from
Schoenberg and French Folksong
for flute and guitar

A rotating dot-graph evolves to its retrogression at 180 degrees. The evolution itself occurs incrementally as a series of interim moments at which two or more dots previously read "before, after", align instead vertically, thereupon to emerge as "after, before" -- i.e., with their order reversed.

My Krikos explored this evolution, emphasizing the moments of simultaneity (and with its NOTES describing the procedure more fully).  The present work focuses more on the "before" and "after" single-note reversals, in two ways: Movement 1 ("Dream") sets the overall evolution cycle in one instrument, complementing in the other with a vocal obligato made only of the pitches being immediately reversed.  Movement 2 ("Dance") alternates single-note reorderings in one instrument with simultaneities instead accented in the other.

The sources are two first bars: that from Arnold Schoenberg's Klavierstuck, Opus 33a (also the source for Krikos), and that from the French folksong, "Ah Vous dirai-je, Maman". The result is named to merge the source titles (song in English).  While conceived for Flute & Guitar, the piece may be played by any feasible instrument pair, or as a keyboard solo.

Access: score, audio, video.