C.G. Jung Society, Seattle

Lionel Corbett, M.D.

A Depth Psychological Approach to the Sacred

Lecture: Friday, September 15, 7 to 9 p.m.
Good Shepherd Center Theater, 4th floor, 4649 Sunnyside Ave. N., Seattle
$10 members, $15 nonmembers
2 CEUs

When our spirituality cannot be contained within traditional institutions, there is an urgent need for new ways to articulate our experience of the sacred. This lecture describes an approach to spirituality based on personal experience of the sacred, using the language of depth psychology rather than traditional theology.

The Self As Totality: Jung and Nonduality

Workshop: Saturday, September 16, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Good Shepherd Center Theater, 4th floor, 4649 Sunnyside Ave. N., Seattle
$50 members, $60 nonmembers
5 CEUs

To learn about preregistering for the workshop, see Preregistration Policy and Form.

Traditional Jungian thought emphasizes the ego-Self axis, which implies a relationship between an ego and a Self as if these were separate. However, Jung also thinks of the Self as the totality of the psyche, in which case the ego cannot be a separate entity or the word “totality” would not be meaningful. If the psyche or consciousness is truly undivided, depth psychology must adopt a nondualistic ontology which links our field to the nondualistic spiritual traditions.
It seems counterintuitive to insist that reality is a unity and that our apparent separateness is an illusion. Yet, synchronistic events and advances in quantum physics lend support to this idea. This workshop considers some of the theoretical and clinical implications of the notion of the Self as the totality of consciousness.

Lionel Corbett, M.D., trained in medicine and psychiatry in England, and as a Jungian Analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago. His primary dedication is to the religious function of the psyche, especially the way in which personal religious experience is relevant to individual psychology and to the development of psychotherapy as a spiritual practice. He is the author of The Religious Function of the Psyche (Routledge), Psyche and the Sacred (forthcoming from Spring publications), the Sounds True audio series Spirituality Beyond Religion, and various articles on the depth psychological approach to spirituality. Dr. Corbett is on the faculty of Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California.

This program has been approved for 7.0 CEU’s by the Washington Chapter, National Association of Social Workers (NASW) for Licensed Social Workers, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists and Licensed Mental Health Counselors. Provider number is #1975-157. The cost to receive a certificate is as follows: 7.0 units for lecture and workshop $15; 2.0 units for the Friday lecture $10; 5.0 units for the Saturday workshop $10.

C.G. Jung Society, Seattle home page

Updated: 13 August, 2006
