Removing Large Trees at Ground Level Removing Trees from the Top Down From the Bottom Up Removing Multiple Trees

Large trees growing within rhododendron beds sometimes have to be removed. They might be dying; they could be be stealing water and nutrients from prized specimens; they might have grown out of proportion for their particular setting.

Douglas fir, like the one below, are particularly inhospitable companions to rhododendrons because of their large network of surface roots. This tree was surrounded by large plants, and would have eventually killed them all.

Trees may be cut at or near ground level, or they may be removed in sections from the top. Felling from the base is much easier, but steps must be taken to protect the rhododendrons. Before I cut this 70 foot douglas fir, I temporarily moved five plants and built a platform so the tree could fall between the branches of a large Cotton Candy. This was the only way to drop the tree onto the gravel path. The only casualities were a few small branches on the neighboring shrubs.

Removing Trees from the Top Down Removing Multiple Trees