Second weekend of the refit..

Its Friday and Julie's home taking care of the kiddies. I can get some work done on the boat. Cool!

JEThro showed up and checked out the boat, but I missed him. That was a bummer. It would have been nice to have some company.

This is as far as I got before I was rained out. Being down under the boat wearing jacket, cap, mask and goggles, and running the sander; I didn't notice that it had started raining 'till water started running down the keel. "Whoops!" I was standing in a puddle holding a wet 110 Volt sander in my hand. I didn't like that idea at all.

After sulking a bit I gave it up as a loss and headed home.

Sunday.. That's right I missed Saturday. It looked like rain, so I decided not to go. Turned out it didn't rain.


Sunday I get an early start. Gonna' sand and sand. This is as far as I made it when my brand new Dewalt sander lost its grip. You can see the sanding pads lying at the bottom of the keel. It just suddenly spit them out.

"I don't feel like sanding anymore, thank you very much!"

"Great, what am I supposed to do now?"

I've been at this sanding far to long. I'm starting to argue with the sander.

Lets try picking all the little bits of cloth out of the velcro. This should only take maybe a year!

Really, I did just that. What else could I do? I didn't feel like purchasing yet another sander. "Growl.."

It didn't work. Well it did, kinda'. About 5 minutes and it spit out the next sanding pad.


Ta da! All done!

Digging through the back of the truck I found my old trusty Black & Decker palm sander and some 36 grit paper. Maybe not so fast, but its reliable! And the paper is a lot cheaper. The boat yard charges $2.60 per disk for the round stuff.

Hey GMCJET, what's missing in this picture?

HOT1GMCJET, a Banderlog customer, has been giving me grief about cleaning up the prop. I've been dragging my feet on it but he's got a point.

Shaft is all shined up, strut is as clean as I'm going to get it and the prop is pulled.

I just remembered why I didn't want to get into cleaning up the prop. At last count it takes about 4 .. 5 hands to reassemble it back on the shaft. Not only that, But I can't find the manual and there is a lot of "Line up mark A with tab B" kinda' stuff to figure out.

Arrgh.. What a mess.

Blast from the past!

Chris Corlett. Chris was a yacht broker at J-Boats when I bought No Tomorrows back in '92. Turns out he has an office right next to where I'm working on the boat. I ran into him when I was in there, looking like a homeless guy, stealing water out of his water cooler. I told him to look nautical and caught him cracking up.

I've been pretty much out of the sailing world for the last 9 years. Back in 92, J/35s were spoken of in hushed voices with a lot of "Ohhs and Ahhhs". Now they seem to be all but forgotten. Everyone wants these new fangled J/105s and other such nonsense. It was great fun to get some of the scoop about what changed in the world of sailing and what happened to everyone I used to know.

The best story was of the two guys that worked on the commissioning of No Tomorrows. Back then, I was The Customer and could strut around smokin' a big fat cigar. They were The Grunts and had to do all the work. Well, things have changed and tables have turned. Either of them could probably very easily buy their own J-Boat if they wanted. I can barley afford a bottom job on mine.When I'm not feeling jealous, I'm really glad for them. :-) They earned it, those two really busted tail.

So what's next? Chris says he may be able to locate some keel templates for me. I don't plan on doing a "Class minimum" kind of job. I just need to get things close and even. I guess the next bit is to grind in a base coat of epoxy for the faring and stuff to stick to. I could have started that Sunday, but it was a good stopping point with the keel stripped and the prop pulled. I'll give myself some time to think and regroup before tackling the faring bit.

Then there is the prop cleanup. I better tell the kiddies not to touch the prop bits on the workbench. If they play about with it and loose any, it will be their allowances for the rest of their lives to replace them. I don't know about now, but when I bought this prop they were being hand made and as far as I could tell, nothing was interchangeable.

Then, of course, there is the bottom job itself. How much prep does one do for this? Never having prepped a boat for a bottom job, I don't even know what grit sand paper to start with. Should I strip all the old paint off? Should I just smooth it out?

So that's it for this weekend. Tune in next weekend when Jim says... "Oh dear, that was stupid, wasn't it?"


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