Washington State International Kite Festival
Schedule of Events

From: Richard "Rich" Hurd <>
Subject: [FK] WSIKF
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 10:43:45 -0700


  Now keep in mind that this years schedule is set in mud, so things could slide one way or the other.

FYI - "d" and I will be having a western shoot out, ( best of 7 ) buka vs. Indian and when I win, "d" will have to fly an Indian in the world cup.   Also Bruce and I will have that 100 pt. thingie.   This must be a conspiracy between Bruce and "d", because I'm tired already.

Back to the schedule.

  You may have noticed by now that we moved North 1 field.   I noticed the last couple of years that field C did not get all that use, so I requested that we be moved North and have the start of our flying area at that field.   The reason being: to get us closer to the action and FOOD.   I will see about getting port-a-potties near us again the year.

  I worked about 3 hrs to get the program straighten out and sent it out today so if you want any changes, TO BAD.   But I am open for comments ( Good ones only ).   If you have a different suggestion, write in down on a sheet of 1" x 4' x 8' plywood and mail it to me.   Now all I hope for is that the printer gets it right this year.

Did I miss anything?