HP Palmtops

Decision Maker 2.0 was originally designed for use on the HP 100lx and 200lx palmtop computers. It can be utilized by the owner while interacting with others, in the same way a calculator might be used. The palmtop design means that Decision Maker can be used during a meeting. HP palmtop computers support additional video modes for "zooming" which are useful in viewing Decision Maker screens. The HP 200lx computer is being actively cloned and is widely available through egghead and other organizations.

However, any computer that supports MS DOS 3.2 or above can support the software. For example, the Insignia SoftPC MS DOS emulator allows Macintosh computers to support Decision Maker. The MS DOS emulator for WinCE (XT-CE) should support all Decision Maker features. Owing to XT-CE, the new HP Palm-size and HandHeld PC companions and a wide variety of WinCE based products should now be Decision Maker capable. Because Insignia Solutions has delivered a Java virtual machine for WinCE, WinCE based palmtops are worth considering. A large portion of the smart database in Decision Maker has been converted to HTML Java using web pages. All features, including color, are also supported on NT, Windows and OS/2 systems, which do not require emulators and support Java.

To view web pages using an HP Palmtop, the page should be designed so that it can be read by LYNX, a UNIX browser available through many access providers. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) complient web pages generally meet this criteria. Connect the palmtop to a modem and use the Data Com built in application or some other VT100 terminal emulator to log into your access provider's server. Enter the UNIX shell (by typing !) and type

lynx http://www.eskimo.com/~mighetto

This will start the browser on our home page. Graphics and Java are not currently supported by LYNX.

For additional information or to purchase an HP palmtop try:







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http://www.eskimo.com/~mighetto/palmtop.htm - last update March 11, 2000.