Please Note: The files in this directory are not supplied by Digital or Mentec. They are programs and patches written by me (or, in the case of DIR51C, by another RT-11 user) and distributed for the use of other RT-11 users. It should go without saying that they are not warranted by Digital or Mentec, nor should tech support calls be directed to them regarding these patches. They are provided "as is", without warranty. They have been tested, and work under V5.01C. For other versions, the user should determine whether the patches are applicable to that version. If a SIPP or SLP file is used on a different file from the one it was intended for, it will corrupt the file, so be careful and make backups. Both the SIPP and SLP files assume that the original .MAC, .SAV or .REL file is the original, unmodified one on the distribution disks. Only the patches, not the utilities and monitors themselves, are provided, so there is no issue of any violation of DEC's or Mentec's copyrights or license. TCONV is a simple program I wrote in 1986 to convert RSX or P/OS format text files to RT-11's CR LF format, and is unrelated to the monitor. To download the precompiled .SAV file, make sure your FTP, Kermit or other file transfer program is in BINARY mode. There are some old files in this directory reflecting incomplete fixes, which should be used for informational purposes only. Files that need to be patched (and backed up beforehand): Monitor: RMONSJ, RMONFB, KMOVLY Utilities: DIR, PIP, MACRO, LINK, LIBR, BUP, ERROUT, RTMON, and any others that use the date, such as compilers for high-level languages (No patches for high-level language compilers are provided here). Handlers: SP (then re-sysgen SP.SYS and SPX.SYS). When sysgenning, if month rollover is not selected, then the year-2000-compatible ROLOVR patch is not included either. Nick Zymaris February 16, 1998 (Please note, the and addresses are no longer valid as of February 2001 -- use instead.)