=-=-=-=-= Society of the Rusting TARDIS Newsletter (#46, 09/09/96)

>>>  Items of interest to British media fans and Seattle-area residents, 
>>>  and whatever else I feel like spewing about.  You have been warned. 

Okay, I got back from vacation only to find 300 messages in my mailbox.  So
it may be awhile before I get caught up.  In the meantime, here's a
newsletter.  (Oh yeah, and I picked up lotsa goodies in California,
Fanthorpe hardbacks, a bunch of old nails, and an Adolph Hitler Pez(tm)
dispenser.  You really _can_ find anything in LA if you look hard enough.)

On tap this time:
	Quick news items
	Upcoming SotRT events


Subject: Quick news items

Sound bites:

	Here is the latest info on the "Mr. Bean" movie, from "the production
	charts" of a recent issue of "Hollywood Reporter":

		"Dr. Bean" (comedy).  Start [shooting] Sept. 30 in Los
		Angeles.  Working Title Films, 9348 Civic Center Dr., #100,
		Beverly Hills, CA 90210.  Cast:  Rowan Atkinson.  Exec
		Producers:  Richard Curtis, RA.  Producers: Tim Bevan, Eric
		Fellner.  Director:  Mel Smith.  Script:  Richard Curtis,
		Richard Driscoll.

	"Class Act" (starring Joanna Lumley) is currently available on
	video via the Signals catalogue.  It's likely the first season (which
	has not run at Rusting TARDIS meetings, BTW).  They've also got Mr.
	Bean stuff.  Call 1-800-669-9696 for a catalogue.

	The Whole Toon Catalog (formerly of Issaquah, then Seattle, then
	nowhere) is back in business.  Well, it's been sold, apparently.
	But it's still an incredible source on animation on video (and
	laserdisc).  Wallace and Gromit are the cover story - "A Close Shave"
	will be released on video in mid-October for $9.95.  Call
	1-800-331-6197 for a catalogue.

Local news:

	Festival Hong Kong at the Varsity: On september 12, Tsui Hark's "The
	Iceman Cometh" and Samo Hung's "Eastern Condors".  Call 632-3131 for

	What was easily the absolute worst film of this year's Seattle
	International Film Festival is coming to the Varsity for a four-day
	run.  Hal Hartley's "Flirt" will run September 13-16.  Showing this
	film is a waste of perfectly good photons - outside of perhaps the
	New York City subway, things this self-indulgent are not usually done
	in public.

	A great UK film, "The Young Poisoner's Handbook", will be shown at
	the Varsity on September 18th.  Call 632-3131 for showtimes.

	There will be an "X Files" Creation convention product in Bellevue
	on October 13th at Meydenbauer Center (1110 NE 6th. St).  Mitch
	Pileggi [Skinner] will be there.  The tickets will be sold through
	the mail by Pearl Jam.  Um, not really.


	MTV is publishing "The 'Singled Out' Guide to Dating".  Gee, what
	could be next?  "Richard Dawson's Guide to Not Catching Hepatitis"?

	I got e-mail from someone who spotted a Rusting TARDIS flyer "in bldg
	13 at microsoft".  Our agents are everywhere.  "Better put a latch on
	that there toilet seat, Martha."

	Merv Griffin!  Merv Griffin!  MERV GRIFFIN!	


Subject: Upcoming SotRT events

Sep 11: Video night     Round Table Pizza, 5111 25th Ave. NE, Seattle
Sep 17: Social          Taj Mahal, 6510 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle
Sep 25: Video night     Round Table Pizza, 5111 25th Ave. NE, Seattle
Oct 01: Social          Round Table Pizza, 5111 25th Ave. NE, Seattle

All events start at 7pm unless noted.

Currently planned for the next video night (Sep 11):

	Have I Got News For You: Fall 1995 season, episode 4

	Shooting Stars (the best TV game show since "Remote Control")

	Class Act (Comedy/drama starring Joanna Lumley)

	Not the Nine O'Clock News (A vintage sketch/"news" show that put
	Rowan Atkinson on the map, and inspired "Not Necessarily the News")

Coming soon: "The Thin Blue Line" (starring Rowan Atkinson), and Christmas
In September (a theme night of Christmas specials, including a new

See you on Wednesday.

			"He felt as a chicken must feel when trussed by a
			 conscientious poulterer."
				--"Space No Barrier", Pel Torro (a.k.a.
				  Robert Lionel Fanthorpe)

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Contents Copyright 1996, Hand of Onan Enterprises, unless otherwise noted.
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