C.G. Jung Society, Seattle

James Hollis, Ph.D.

Haunting: Dispelling the Ghosts Who Run Our Lives

Lecture: Friday, October 18, 2013, 7 to 9 p.m.
Good Shepherd Center, 4th floor chapel, 4649 Sunnyside Ave. North, Seattle  98103 (driving directions)
$20 members, $30 nonmembers
(Note corrected amounts.)

hollisOur ancestors believed in ghosts, and perhaps they were not far off the mark as so much of daily life is driven by invisible psychic forces, archaic agendas, and imperious admonitions and prohibitions, all the more powerful because they operate unconsciously. What are the features of such “hauntings,” and how might we gain some further foothold on a more conscious conduct of life?

Workshop: Saturday, October 19, 2013, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Good Shepherd Center, 4th floor chapel
$60 members, $70 nonmembers (Note corrected amounts.)

Advance registration for workshops is encouraged. You can mail your registration and payment to our office using this registration form or buy tickets in advance at brownpapertickets.com.

Note: Preregistration and payment to our office or Brown Paper Tickets would be GREATLY APPRECIATED so the entrance line can be managed efficiently. THANK YOU.

Literary and case studies will illustrate the presence of “hauntings” in people’s lives. Please bring notepad and pen upon which to reflect on the invisible powers, which govern your daily life.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the replicative nature of “complexes,” and their implications for therapy.
  2. Track from behavioral patterns, the narrative threads that run through a person’s history.
  3. Discern ways to identify manifestations of the unconscious in the midst of biographical detail.
  4. Gain a greater appreciation for the role of affect-laden ideas to generate patterns.
  5. Identify the place of “secrets,” and stories untold in the shame-based sources of patient behavior.

James Hollis’ new book will be available for purchase at both events.

Hauntings book coverHauntings considers how we are all governed by the presence of invisible forms—spirits, ghosts, ancestral and parental influences, inner voices, dreams, impulses, untold stories, complexes, synchronicities, and mysteries—which move through us, and through history. Hauntings offers a way to understand them psychologically, examining the persistence of the past in influencing our present, conscious lives and noting that engagement with mystery is what life asks of each of us. From such engagements, a deeper, more thoughtful, more considered life may come.

James Hollis, Ph.D., is a Zurich-trained Jungian analyst in private practice in Houston, Texas. Internationally acclaimed analyst and author, Dr. Hollis is former Executive Director of the Jung Educational Center of Houston and professor of Jungian Studies at Saybrook University, San Francisco, California. Additionally, he is retired Senior Training Analyst for the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, first Director of the Philadelphia Jung Institute, and President Emeritus of the Philemon Foundation. Among his publications are numerous articles and fourteen books (some of which have been translated into sixteen languages), including The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other; Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life; What Matters Most: Living a More Considered Life The Middle Passage; and most recently, Hauntings: Dispelling the Ghosts Who Run Our Lives.

Programs presented by the C. G. Jung Society, Seattle (unless otherwise noted) have approved CEUs by the Washington Chapter National Association of Social Workers (NASW) for Licensed Social Workers, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists and Licensed Mental Health Counselors. Provider number is #1975- 157.

C.G. Jung Society, Seattle home page

Updated: 5 September 2013
