Herb Garden Swing Another Swing


I struggled with a swing design for more than a year before settling on this one, and changed it several times during construction. The four main upright poles lean inward to provide stability. I had smaller angled braces for additional rigidity, but they gave the structure too busy a look. To gain the rigidity back, I added the end poles and a second horizontal. I was going to connect the three poles at each end with rhododendron branches, but opted for the simpler lines and left them off.

The swing itself is made from the same workbench as herb garden bench 1. while the poles are the tops of douglas fir trees I cut down because of their invasive roots. I set a steel anchor through the bottom of each pole and poured a foot of concrete under. The two horizontal logs come from the top of a storm-downed Port Orford Cedar. The seat will be hung with plastic encased aircraft cable and suspended from swing set hardware.