section 4.2: Functions Returning Non-Integers

page 71

Actually, we may have seen at least one function returning a non-integer, in the Fahrenheit-Celsius conversion program in exercise 1-15 on page 27 in section 1.7.

The type name which precedes the name of a function (and which sets its return type) looks just like (i.e. is syntactically the same as) the void keyword we've been using to identify functions which don't return a value.

Note that the version of atof on page 71 does not handle exponential notation like 1.23e45; handling exponents is left for exercise 4-2 on page 73.

``The standard library includes an atof'' means that we're reimplementing something which would otherwise be provided for us anyway (i.e. just like printf). In general, it's a bad idea to rewrite standard library routines, because by doing so you negate the advantage of having someone else write them for you, and also because the compiler or linker are allowed to complain if you redefine a standard routine. (On the other hand, seeing how the standard library routines are implemented can be a good learning experience.)

page 72

In the ``primitive calculator'' code at the top of page 72, note that the call to atof is buried in the argument list of the call to printf.

Deep sentences:

The function atof must be declared and defined consistently. If atof itself and the call to it in main have inconsistent types in the same source file, the error will be detected by the compiler. But if (as is more likely) atof were compiled separately, the mismatch would not be detected, atof would return a double that main would treat as an int, and meaningless answers would result.
The problems of mismatched function declarations are somewhat reduced today by the widespread use of ANSI function prototypes, but they're still important to be aware of.

The implicit function declarations mentioned at the bottom of page 72 are an older feature of the language. They were handy back in the days when most functions returned int and function prototypes hadn't been invented yet, but today, if you want to use prototypes, you won't want to rely on implicit declarations. If you don't like depending on defaults and implicit declarations, or if you do want to use function prototypes religiously, you're under no compunction to make use of (or even learn about) implicit function declarations, and you'll want to configure your compiler so that it will warn you if you call a function which does not have an explicit, prototyped declaration in scope.

You may wonder why the compiler is able to get some things right (such as implicit conversions between integers and floating-point within expressions) whether or not you're explicit about your intentions, while in other circumstances (such as while calling functions returning non-integers) you must be explicit. The question of when to be explicit and when to rely on the compiler hinges on several questions:

  1. How much information does the compiler have available to it?
  2. How likely is it that the compiler will infer the right action?
  3. How likely is it that a mistake which you the programmer might make will be caught by the compiler, or silently compiled into incorrect code?

It's fine to depend on things like implicit conversions as long as the compiler has all the information it needs to get them right, unambiguously. (Relying on implicit conversions can make code cleaner, clearer, and easier to maintain.) Relying on implicit declarations, however, is discouraged, for several reasons. First, there are generally fewer declarations than expressions in a program, so the impact (i.e. work) of making them all explicit is less. Second, thinking about declarations is good discipline, and requiring that everything normally be declared explicitly can let the compiler catch a number of errors for you (such as misspelled functions or variables). Finally, since the compiler only compiles one source file at a time, it is never able to detect inconsistencies between files (such as a function or variable declared one way in once source file and some other way in another), so it's important that cross-file declarations be explicit and consistent. (Various strategies, such as placing common declarations in header files so that they can be #included wherever they're needed, and requesting that the compiler warn about function calls without prototypes in scope, can help to reduce the number of errors having to do with improper declarations.)

For the most part, you can also ignore the ``old style'' function syntax, which hardly anyone is using any more. The only thing to watch out for is that an empty set of parentheses in a function declaration is an old-style declaration and means ``unspecified arguments,'' not ``no arguments.'' To declare a new-style function taking no arguments, you must include the keyword void between the parentheses, which makes the lack of arguments explicit. (A declaration like

	int f(void);
does not declare a function accepting one argument of type void, which would be meaningless, since the definition of type void is that it is a type with no values. Instead, as a special case, a single, unnamed parameter of type void indicates that a function takes no arguments.) For example, the definition of the getchar function might look like
	int getchar(void)
		int c;

read next character into c somehow

if (no next character) return EOF;

return c; }

page 73

Note that this version of atoi, written in terms of atof, has very slightly different behavior: it reads past a '.' (and, assuming a fully-functional version of atof, an 'e').

The use of an explicit cast when returning a floating-point expression from a routine declared as returning int represents another point on the spectrum of what you should worry about explicitly versus what you should feel comfortable making use of implicitly. This is a case where the compiler can do the ``right thing'' safely and unambiguously, as long as what you said (in this case, to return a floating-point expression from a routine declared as returning int) is in fact what you meant. But since the real possibility exists that discarding the fractional part is not what you meant, some compilers will warn you about it. Typically, compilers which warn about such things can be quieted by using an explicit cast; the explicit cast (even though it appears to ask for the same conversion that would have happened implicitly) serves to silence the warning. (In general, it's best to silence spurious warnings rather than just ignoring them. If you get in the habit of ignoring them, sooner or later you'll overlook a significant one that you would have cared about.)

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