section 4.3: External Variables

The word ``external'' is, roughly speaking, equivalent to ``global.''

page 74

A program with ``too many data connections between functions'' hasn't managed to achieve the desirable attributes we were talking about earlier, in particular that a function's ``interface to the rest of the program is clean and narrow.'' Another bit of jargon you may hear is the word ``coupling,'' which refers to how much one piece of a program has to know about another.

In general, as we have mentioned, the connections between functions should generally be few and well-defined, in which case they will be amenable to regular old function arguments, and you won't be tempted to pass lots of data around in global variables. (On the other hand, global variables are fine for some things, such as configuration information which the whole program cares about and which is set just once at program startup and then doesn't change.)

The word ``lifetime'' refers to how long a variable and its value stick around. (The jargon term is ``duration.'') So far, we've seen that global variables persist for the life of the program, while local variables last only as long as the functions defining them are active. However, lifetime (duration) is a separate and orthogonal concept from scope; we'll soon be meeting local variables which persist for the life of the program.

Deep sentence:

Thus if two functions must share some data, yet neither calls the other, it is often most convenient if the shared data is kept in external variables rather than passed in and out via arguments.
(Later, though, we'll learn about data structures which can make it more convenient to pass certain data around via function arguments, so we'll have less reason for using external variables for these sorts of purposes.)

``Reverse Polish'' is used by some (earlier, all) Hewlett-Packard calculators. (The name is based on the nationality of the mathematician who studied and formalized this notation.) It may seem strange at first, but it's natural if you observe that you need both numbers (operands) before you can carry out an operation on them. (This fact is one of the reasons that reverse Polish notation is ``easier to implement.'')

The calculator example is a bit long and a bit involved, but I urge you to work through and understand it. A calculator is something that everyone's likely to be familiar with; it's interesting to see how one might work inside; and the techniques used here are generally useful in all sorts of programs.

A ``stack'' is simply a last-in, first-out list. You ``push'' data items onto a stack, and whenever you ``pop'' an item from the stack, you get the one most recently pushed.

pages 76-79

The code for the calculator may seem daunting at first, but it's much easier to follow if you look at each part in isolation (as good functions are meant to be looked at), and notice that the routines fall into three levels. At the top level is the calculator itself, which resides in the function main. The main function calls three lower-level functions: push, pop, and getop. getop, in turn, is written in terms of the still lower-level functions getch and ungetch.

A few details of the communication among these functions deserve mention. The getop routine actually returns two values. Its formal return value is a character representing the next operation to be performed. Usually, that character is just the character the user typed, that is, +, -, *, or /. In the case of a number typed by the user, the special code NUMBER is returned (which happens to be #defined to be the character '0', but that's arbitrary). A return value of NUMBER indicates that an entire string of digits has been typed, and the string itself is copied into the array s passed to getop. In this case, therefore, the array s is the second return value.

In some printings, the second line on page 76 reads

	#include <math.h>	/* for atof() */
which is incorrect; it should be
	#include <stdlib.h>	/* for atof() */

page 77

Make sure you understand why the code

	push(pop() - pop());	/* WRONG */
might not work correctly.

``The representation can be hidden'' means that the declarations of these variables can follow main in the file, such that main can't ``see'' them (that is, can't attempt to refer to them). Furthermore, as we'll see, the declarations might be moved to a separate source file, and main won't care.

pages 77-78

Note that getop does not incorporate the functionality of atoi or atof--it collects and returns the digits as a string, and main calls atof to convert the string to a floating-point number (prior to pushing it on the stack). (There's nothing profound about this arrangement; there's no particular reason why getop couldn't have been set up to do the conversion itself.)

The reasons for using a routine like ungetch are good and sufficient, but they may not be obvious at first. The essential motivation, as the authors explain, is that when we're reading a string of digits, we don't know when we've reached the end of the string of digits until we've read a non-digit, and that non-digit is not part of the string of digits, so we really shouldn't have read it yet, after all. The rest of the program is set up based on the assumption that one call to getop will return the string of digits, and the next call will return whatever operator followed the string of digits.

To understand why the surprising and perhaps kludgey-sounding getch/ungetch approach is in fact a good one, let's consider the alternatives. getop could keep track of the one-too-far character somehow, and remember to use it next time instead of reading a new character. (Exercise 4-11 asks you to implement exactly this.) But this arrangement of getop is considerably less clean from the standpoint of the ``invariants'' we were discussing earlier. getop can be written relatively cleanly if one of its invariants is that the operator it's getting is always formed by reading the next character(s) from the input stream. getop would be considerably messier if it always had to remember to use an old character if it had one, or read a new character otherwise. If getop were modified later to read new kinds of operators, and if reading them involved reading more characters, it would be easy to forget to take into account the possibility of an old character each time a new character was needed. In other words, everywhere that getop wanted to do the operation

	read the next character
it would instead have to do
	if (there's an old character)
		use it
		read the next character
It's much cleaner to push the checking for an old character down into the getch routine.

Devising a pair of routines like getch and ungetch is an excellent example of the process of abstraction. We had a problem: while reading a string of digits, we always read one character too far. The obvious solution--remembering the one-too-far character and using it later--would have been clumsy if we'd implemented it directly within getop. So we invented some new functions to centralize and encapsulate the functionality of remembering accidentally-read characters, so that getop could be written cleanly in terms of a simple ``get next character'' operation. By centralizing the functionality, we make it easy for getop to use it consistently, and by encapsulating it, we hide the (potentially ugly) details from the rest of the program. getch and ungetch may be tricky to write, but once we've written them, we can seal up the little black boxes they're in and not worry about them any more, and the rest of the program (especially getop) is cleaner.

page 79

If you're not used to the conditional operator ?: yet, here's how getch would look without it:

	int getch(void)
		if (bufp > 0)
			return buf[--bufp];
		else	return getchar();
Also, the extra generality of these two routines (namely, that they can push back and remember several characters, a feature which the calculator program doesn't even use) makes them a bit harder to follow. Exercise 4-8 asks you two write simpler versions which allow only one character of pushback. (Also, as the text notes, we don't really have to be writing ungetch at all, because the standard library already provides an ungetc which can provide one character of pushback for getchar.)

When we defined a stack, we said that it was ``last-in, first-out.'' Are the versions of getch and ungetch on page 79 last-in, first-out or first-in, first out? Do you agree with this choice?

One last note: the name of the variable bufp suggests that it is a pointer, but it's actually an index into the buf array.

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