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Welcome to the Schmerker Inn Trouble-Shooter pages!

An Unofficial Resource for Players of

Darklands, by MicroProse


MicroProse, MPS Labs, and Darklands are
©1997 Spectrum HoloByte, Inc. - All rights reserved.

Schmerker Inn Trouble-Shooter Table of Contents:

  • An "Introduction to this Trouble-Shooter, for Darklands".

  • Topics of interest:
  • Darklands requirements.
  • Then known problems, at release-time.
  • Problems documented in the FAQ.
  • Other trouble-shooting sources.
  • Currently known problems and issues.
  • Configuration "tips".
  • Problem reports.
  • Useful tools and utilities.
  • Other items and topics to "see also:".

  • Contact info.

  • Introduction:
    a general guide to resolutions
    for common configuration problems
    related to playing


  • Or, atleast, this is the hope, and the goal! :-)

  • DARKLANDS by MPSLabs ("DL") is

  • Thanks!

  • back to the ToC ... ... back to the top.

    Darklands Requirements

  • back to the ToC ... ... back to the top.

    Known Darklands Problems

    Problems Known and Documented at Release-time!

  • back to the ToC ... ... back to the top.

    FAQ-Documented Darklands Problems

  • back to the ToC ... ... back to the top.

    Darklands "Fix" Sources

    Other Sources which document Darklands Problems, or Fixes and Work-arounds".

  • back to the ToC ... ... back to the top.

    Current Darklands Issues

    Problems and Fixes Currently at Issue!

  • back to the ToC ... ... back to the top.

    Darklands Configuration "Tips".

  • back to the ToC ... ... back to the top.

    Darklands Problem Reports

    How to Report Problems, "Bugs", and Fixes.

  • back to the ToC ... ... back to the top.

    The Darklands Toolbox

    Useful Tools and Utilities for Solving Problems!

  • back to the ToC ... ... back to the top.

    More Darklands Resources...

    See also:

  • The "Darklands Stuff" pages;

  • The "Darklands File Downloads" pages;

  • The "Darklands FAQ 2.0";

  • The "Darklands mailing LIST";

  • If these are "unavailable", try my unofficial mirrors.

  • back to the ToC ... ... back to the top.

    For more info, send mail to:
    Matthew L. Wirkkala

    Back to: Darklands FAQ 2.0 | Alex's Homepage | Darklands FAQ mirror |
    | the Schmerker Inn | Matt's FastFish pages | Darklands Domain |

    Schmerker Inn Trouble-Shooter
    initially deployed (finally!) 04 August, 1998...
    ...and last modified 07 August, 1998.

    This site best viewed
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