Day: February 29, 2016

Moon Sounds

Moon Sounds. This, along with white noise from the radios, is what I think the astronauts were hearing on the far side. The moon sounds have a very haunting quality about them relative to many of the planets and other…

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Ring of Uranus Sounds

Sounds from the rings of Uranus.  Isn’t it amazing how God gave every planet their own unique sounds, and they don’t sound like noise or dead sounds, they sound alive, vibrant, energetic, and in this planets case somewhat eerie and…

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Jupiter Sounds

Here how different Jupiter sounds from Neptune. Awesome in it’s own way. Personally, I like Neptune better, perhaps the water color of the planet seems to fit the sounds it emits. Jupiter, fire orange, much different sounds, somewhat metallic.

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Uranus Sounds

     Here are sounds from the planet Uranus. Again very alive, organic sounding. Almost sounds like a chorus of birds or something in the back of a wind rumble, sometimes almost human. Reminds me of the background chorus in Man…

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Voyager Sounds

This is pretty awesome.  Tell me you can’t hear the life in these sounds.

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