Author: Nanook

Voyager Sounds

This is pretty awesome.  Tell me you can’t hear the life in these sounds.

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NSA and Alien Messages

     Take a look at this document referring to 29 extraterrestrial messages on NSA’s website.      Is this just a fictional exercise to find people good at decrypting things?      Is it disinformation?  Perhaps when you decrypt this successfully you…

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Anonymous on Aliens

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Men In Black

     I’ve got no question that alien life exists and that at least one species has visited us.  I know this because of my own encounter.  I also think ourselves from the very distant future visit us and actually are…

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Signs of Alien Life

     I would love to hear first hand audio / video of Edgar Mitchell saying the things he is alleged to say in this video.      I find it credible from the standpoint of what happened on Apollo 13, how…

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     This is what happens when you try to make real data about UFO cover-ups available.  This was a video of Mike Wallace interviewing Marine Major Donald Keyhoe.  This is the problem with a few major companies owning all the…

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Alien Christmas

     Many Christians who take every word in the Bible literally dismiss the possibility of alien races on other planets in spite of the fact that there are probably around 10^24 habitable planets in the observable universe and many more…

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The Fermi Paradox

     The Fermi paradox is basically the discrepancy between the number of extraterrestrial civilizations we expect should exist in the universe and even the local region of our galaxy, and the number that are observed, which in mainstream science circles…

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Alien Abductions

     According to Art Bells guest tonight, an alien invasion is already underway.  They want to take over the planet.      The professor guest does not entertain the possibility of them coming back from the future because he sees it…

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Mars Water

     Now that the presence of liquid water on the Martian service is no longer speculative, it seems highly likely that at least microbial life will also exist there, and perhaps even some plants or lichens or other non-animal life…

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