Art Bell Reward

     This posted on Heather Wade Midnight in the Desert Fan Club on December 20th:

This is from Art yesterday:

I will offer $20,000.00 to anybody providing information leading to the Arrest and Conviction of the person or persons responsible for the Stalking Terror resulting in my Leaving the air from MITD.

Art Bell

     I’m glad to see him make this offer.  I hope it has the intended effect of bringing this person or persons to justice.  We all know fans wouldn’t have to be paid for this but hopefully it will motivate some non-fans to provide the necessary information and soon.

     I would love to see Art Bell return to the air but I fear it can only happen if it happens while the dark matter digital radio network is still financially viable and while it still has the contracted stations.  If it fails, nobody is going to ever be willing to stick their neck out financially to make it happen again.

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