Personal Finance

Popular Personal Finance Gurus

"Who loves ya' baby?!"

[REMEMBER!   Everyone has a different situation. So financial strategies that may work for you may not work as well for the next person. PLUS everyone thinks about finances in a slightly different way. NEVERTHELESS spending less than you bring in is critical for everyone.]

DO NOT make investments or follow financial adivce that you do not fully understand or feel uncomforatble about. DO find money management advice that makes sense to you.

YouTube, the internet, and public libraries offer free access to the advisors listed below. They all say pretty much the same thing. SPEND LESS THAN YOU EARN. GET RID OF DEBT. SAVE (LOTS!). AVOID CREDIT.

In general, personal finance coaches advise you to:

  1. Make a (written) plan. [If it is not WRITTEN it is not a PLAN.]
  2. Assign specific DOLLAR amounts to your plan.
  3. Negotiate. (Always try to spend less than the amount you have allotted.)
  4. Go slow!

Finally, track your spending. Use some of the excellent personal finance software and apps currently available. Everyone thinks they know how they spend their money. But tracking your spending for a couple of months usually reveals some unexpected surprises!!

  • APPS: YNAB, MINT, and others.
  • PC/MAC: GnuCash (free), Quicken

GnuCash is an open-source personal finance software package for Macs, PCs, linux. There is also a GnuCash app. Use it to track your spending and investments.

Guides and Goads

Personal Finance -- or money management and planning -- often go hand in hand with investing.

Some Frequently Cited Personal Finance Gurus

Naming Names

  • Suze Orman — "Are you kidding me?!"
  • Dave Ramsey — "Financial Peace University: Seven Baby Steps"
  • Scott Burns — "Couch Potato Portfolio"
  • Carmen Rita Wong Ulrich — Millenials and Money
  • Merle E. Dowd — Your Personal Money Plan (PDF) 1985 - Dowd was an early advocate of low cost, no-load mutual funds.