Are We Geting Ready?

With the recent release of UFO documents by the British government, I can’t help but wonder about a couple of things.

First, does the military have shit for brains? They’ve got instances of pilots being ordered to fire missiles at objects a mile across. Maybe it’s just me but that seems like shooting a spit wad at a guy carrying an Uzi. Ill advised, to say the least.

My unwillingness to believe the military is that dumb then leads me to doubt the veracity of the stories even if they came directly from the government, or perhaps especially because they came directly from the government.

Which leads me to the second thought. Many years ago, back in the 80’s some time, I was shown a VHS video tape of a lecture given by some x-military officer. I don’t remember the rank or name but it was something kind of mid-level.

The tape covered a conspiracy theory that is pretty much standard Internet lore these days, was pretty much standard BBS lore in those days, and because of that I pretty much blew it off.

Some of the predictions it made, some of the specifics of how this conspiracy would be carried out, have proven to be surprisingly accurate to the point where now I am beginning to wonder if there was not some basis in fact.

The basic idea is that a group of super elite powerful people want to control us and ultimately to reduce the human population to somewhere between 250 and 500 million.

They already in fact controlled us through basically the same mechanism outlined in the book, “1984”. And we had pretty much that although it was largely a cold war and not a shooting war. Occasionally we would have skirmishes on some third world countries territory.

But the tape said that in time the credibility of the Soviet threat would be lost and we would then need a new threat to keep us in line and that threat would be terrorism. And it would be a better threat because of it’s nebulous nature. You could never really win and thus it would be credible longer. You didn’t really know where your enemy was and this would justify controlling and spying on everyone.

Eventually though, terrorism would lose credibility as well, and we’d need a new threat, and that threat would come in the form of a faked UFO invasion. It would be carried out not by extraterrestrials but by this group. They had various names, the Illuminati, etc. The name really isn’t important, just think super rich and powerful with wealth and power having been handed down through generations tracing their way all the way back to ancient Egypt.

When this faked invasion happens, don’t ignore it because you know it’s fake, because they really do want to kill you. That part is real; it’s just that it’s domestically originated fake aliens that want to kill you not genuine extraterrestrials.

Some years past and the Berlin wall did fall, and the Soviet Union broke up and Germany re-unified.

Then we had 9/11 which very clearly was not just a couple of 747’s slamming into the twin towers. Anybody who has watched a controlled implosion demolition knows that is exactly what that was. You can see the poof of the explosives just before each floor falls. It fell symmetrically. If burning jet fuel had heated the steel to the point of failure, it would not have been symmetrical.

The New York fire department was forced to clean it up before a proper investigation could be done. I have spoken to fireman who were threatened in order to force them to do the job fast. The FBI confiscated hundreds of photos and threatened witnesses to keep their mouths shut. Still, they didn’t get them all and some witnesses did talk.

Later we find that the aircraft that were supposedly used for those flights, their serial numbers are still in service; and some of the people supposedly involved in the hijacking, they’re still alive and weren’t even in the country at the time.

Now people are beginning to question the way the Bush administration completely raped the constitution.

Meanwhile, first the French government and then more recently Britain release their UFO data, Britain is still in the process. But what has been released suggests the military is well aware of the phenomena but some of the stories are just very difficult to believe.

So I can’t help but wonder if this isn’t just preparation for an impending fake invasion. When the laser beams start to fly I’m planning on hiding. Maybe it would be a good time to stock up on surface to air missiles.

Author: Nanook

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