Trike Only Bridge

* Trike Only Trail Intro * On the Edge Trail * Visitors on the Bent Trails * Thomas, Jack, and Jordan *

* Trike Only Bridge * Tunnels, Holes, and Labyrinths * Magic Carpet Ride *

* Introduction * Wheels in the Garden * Wheels Outside the Garden * Garden Trails *

Beyond the native garden is another pond and bridge. This pond also contains natural ground water frrom November through May. The trail curves around the end, or branches through the pond in summer and fall.

I built a prototype trike only bridge out of scrap lumber for the wet season.

It worked, so I enlarged the pond, moved and lengthened the bridge, and connected it to an island.

The only thing spooky about crossing the bridge is having the rear wheel miss is track. You can see the front wheels and guide them in, but you can't see behind you.

To solve this problem, I flipped a road mirror down and over to give me a closeup view of the rear wheel entering the track.


Getting off the island necessitated another small bridge.

No tracks were needed with the wider planks and shorter span.