Kapowsin House
The Kapowsin house is the first house I designed and built.  The pole house and another rental house on the same site were the only others, concluding that obsessive phase.  Doreen said, "You've never done anything like this before," to which I replied, "But I have a book."  We started construction in the summer of 1977, moved into the shell that fall, and finished in time to sell it in 2000.  This is the house our kids grew up in.

The building site was a small  island of a plateau, dropping off steeply on all sides except for a narrow neck connecting it to the road and surrounded by a ten-acre triangle of forest bounded by two large creeks.

The buyers remodeled the exterior and painted the interior woods, so it is not the same house anymore.  But that's okay.  Everything is temporary.  This is what the Kapowsin house was then.