Cosmic Paradigm

Alien encounters often involve “the grays”. Grays seem interested in our reproductive functions. They appear to be working to create a hybrid of us and them. I have my operative theory as to why they have this program. These are…

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Mind / UFO

We have created many technological imitations of natural phenomena. We’ve roughly imitated muscle with engines. Like muscles, engines oxidize fuel to create mechanical energy for some purpose, to propel a car, boat, plane, tractor, etc, expanding our own physical capabilities….

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5th Dimension Faster Than Light

An article in the India Daily makes the following claim, “Recently, as an extension of the string theory and simulating some aspects of it in numerical computer simulated methods, scientists find that the gravity wave can be used for propagation,…

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UFO Sighting at O’Hare

An UFO event over O’Hare International Airport happened on November 7th but is only now making the major news media. Peter Davenport of the National UFO Reporting Center gave a report on November 15th on the Coast to Coast radio…

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Another Extraterrestrial Blog

I ran across this “Extraterrestrial Blog” on the National Geographic website by Dr. Seth Shostak concerning the topic of extraterrestrial life. Dr. Shostak heads up the SETI institute, a privately funded effort to search for extra terrestrial life via their…

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ET Contact?

I ran across this interview with Bob Anthony while actually searching for something totally unrelated in the field of radio. The Interviewer is worse than terrible and Mr. Anthony comes across as anything but spontaneous, both the questions and the…

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Extraterrestrial Life

There is little doubt in my mind as to the existence of extraterrestrial life forms because of my personal experience back in 1969. However, these creatures were very much like us in form, arms, with hands and fingers, legs with…

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Alien Ornament

Given that Christmas is upon us, I did want to mention this ornament that I ran across on the web. Click on the image to go to the site that makes and sells these. The company that makes these is…

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God and ET

Anyone who has encountered extraterrestrial or perhaps extratemporal or extradimensional aliens is beyond the debate regarding whether physical laws will allow them to get here from great distances, other times, or other dimensions. For us they are here. From most…

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There is now an estimated 500 billion galaxies in the known universe, containing on average around 500 billion stars. This number keeps going up as our telescopes improve, I suspect it will continue to do so. Of the nearby stars…

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