Christine's Wish List -- pics I'd love to see!

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Welcome to the Gallery 

Main Hall

Aiden and Birdie
Check out Becca's
"The Bad Things 
That Happened 
To Tavelorn, Rae, 
and Karandis," 
the characters 
from Christine's 
game set in
the Emerin!
Scenes from Stories
Human Characters
Gargoyle Characters
Mutates, Monsters, and Others
The Dissidents (fanfic spinoff series)
The Guardians (fanfic spinoff series)
The Heromachine Portrait Galleries (various characters)
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We are always happy to hear from our viewers.  If you have anything you want to say, feel free to e-mail us.
Page content copyright 1992-1998 by Christine Morgan unless otherwise attributed.  Some works may be based on copyrighted or trademarked characters that belong to someone else.  Their use here is not meant to be a threat to those copyrights or trademarks, and are used here without permission.  Their use here is not for commercial purposes, but  because of our love for and the enjoyment that those characters have given us, and we can't stand to see them sit idlely by and not have more exciting adventures. 
Page design copyright 1998 Tim Morgan. 
If you like this page, and would like me to design yours, click here to view my very reasonable rates.