Nanook Documents Global Warming
They can run the Iditerod here!
This is my wife, Tina, standing on the street in front of our house. The white blobs are snow illuminated by the camera flash, the orange blob is a street light up the street about a block. You can see the tree limbs of the trees behind her with all the limbs drooping from the weight of the snow.I took this at approximately 5AM before it was light on February 16th, 2001. Last night’s weather report said we’d get up to two inches. At 5AM was had six inches, now at 6:30AM it’s up to eight inches. |
If I attempt to take a picture using flash, it just illuminates the snow unless what is behind it is really bright or fairly close. |
This is a picture of a neighbors driveway and car. It’s fuzzy because I couldn’t use flash because the snow reflecting off as demonstrated in the picture to the left and I didn’t have a tripod so it was difficult to hold steady for the longer exposure required for a night time shot. The lighting here is just illumination from neighors porch lights and street lights. |
This is a pictures of a neighbors roof, the “grey” part is the edge of the sophet, about eight inches thick. The white on top of it, the snow. As you can see the snow is nearly as thick. |
I wanted to document the depth, and so took this picture but of coarse
didn’t notice the ruler was backwards until I unloaded the camera. It
still indicates the depth however as it’s a 12 inch ruler. It was six
inches on the deck railing as of 5AM. About eight now at 7AM.
This is the corner of the roof where the telephone cable attaches. That
thick thing with the snow on it is the cable. Again this is taken just
with available light, the orange tints are from sodium vapor lamps and the
blue from mercury vapor and fluorescent lighting used in various
porch lights, etc.
The camera really is capable of taking clearer night shots but I didn’t
have a tripod handy and couldn’t hold it sufficiently steady by hand.