Sleep / Dream


     I slept better last night until around 6AM when my wife came home.  After I woke up, had a difficult time getting back to sleep.

     I had a dream that gave me a glimpse of how my life may have played out if I had made a different critical decision early on.

     But at least in this incarnated reality that’s not the way it went.  Still it was pleasing to have a glimpse.

     Now I just focus on what to do with what is left of this life.  Sometimes I try to make plans, and God laughs at them.

     Nine days left until I am no longer under community custody.  Can go see my father, go see the ocean again, go to public places where there are minors like the Puyallup Fair.  Not sure what I will do with this new freedom quite yet.  See where God takes me.

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