I need a Daniel

     I need a Daniel, as in the Biblical dream interpreter, to interpret my not being able to get home dreams.

     I know two things about dreams in general:

  1. When they are recurring it means that there is some issue that is pressing to be addressed and I’m not getting it.
  2. That home represents self.

     In this context, I’m distant from home, and trying to get back.  I want to understand this because maybe it’s something I can address and then they’ll stop recurring.  They usually leave me depressed, not being able to get home reminds me of my childhood home which I never can go back to.  My childhood wasn’t all that happy so not really sure why I would want to.  I guess there is an appeal to being taken care of and not having real responsibilities.

     I do miss my mother who passed two years ago.  I’m afraid my fathers time may be limited and I am afraid of that.  I miss my children that I have hurt and alienated.

     I do wish I could not have a leaky roof, a check engine light in my car, and debt.  These things are addressable in time but not immediately.  I am a bit of a contradiction in as much as patience I have little of but perseverance a great deal of.  You would think the two would go hand in hand but for me they are polar opposites.

     The dreams trying to get home sometimes do involve a degree of adventure that isn’t altogether unpleasant.


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