Perspective – How To See

     Last night I had a dream that involved a high school radio and electronics teacher, Larry Adams.

     Maybe it’s the KNHC pictures Tim has been pasting in Facebook that brought him to my mind, I don’t know.  However the dream also involved a very different element, how to see.  In this dream, Larry was more than a radio teacher although this lesson did have some of it’s roots in radio propagation physics.

     In this dream Larry was much older than he is now, but yet was still teaching radio in a high school setting.  In this dream I met with a number of other teachers but none of them were real, only Larry.

     One of them gave me a CPU cooler out of a box of junk he had.  I was carrying that when I met Larry in the hall.  I asked Larry if it was okay if I sit in on a class.  He did not immediately reply.  Instead he asked to see the cooler and some other junk I had in my pockets.  I showed it to him.  He said, “This plastic hasn’t been used to hurt anybody.” and with that I was allowed to sit in.

     But where he lead me wasn’t a class room, instead it was a big grass field outside of the school where many people were lounging around in the sun.  In the distance one could see a large body of water shimmering bright blue and beautiful and a small island, pristine.  But it was off in the distance and only partially visible through a stand of evergreen trees that largely obscured it, it was also visually far away.

     There were also a group of students on the grass lined up in a row and looking forward to a position Larry would shortly assume.  When he got to that point he said, “Is everybody ready?”, and I asked one of the students, “Ready for what?”.  He told me to watch the horizon.

     With that, the horizon began to grow taller, like a superior mirage where mountains tower taller than they normally are.  It began slowly but then accelerated and all of the sudden the trees were overhead and we seemed to move through them and were right at that blue shimmering water and close to the beautiful island and everything around us was brighter.  The school building was still right next to us where it started, and then we went into the class room.

     We then went into a classroom and when we were there, I asked Larry, “Where are we”?  And his answer was that we were right where we were, it was a matter of what we chose to focus our minds on, what lies close at hand or in the distance.

     What I gathered from all of this is that we can focus on the troubles at hand and the dreariness sometimes of day to day life, or we can focus on being with God and what he has in store for our eternity.  That focus changes our whole perspective on our lives.

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