Prison Nightmare

     It’s been nearly 4 years since I was released, still I have prison nightmares and I expect these will be with me the rest of my life.  If I could leave this country to some place out of the reach of the US government, and reality is no such place exists, and never come back I would.  I don’t expect there is any other way these nightmares will ever end.  I ask God to give me peace but so far in this particular realm it has not happened.

     In the nightmare I had been back in for eight months, and I had not committed any crime.  And I have this fear because I know my political views aren’t popular with the powers that be and once you have a record any made up bullshit becomes more believable.  But you can be sure, if I go back it will not be for any crime I’ve committed.  I applied myself to the fullest in treatment because I really wanted to be free of the sexual demon and I feel I’ve largely succeeded at that, but the fear demon, he’s still got a firm grasp on me.

     So I had been there eight months in this dream and my wife visited, and I told her you’ve got to find me a lawyer but she had no money for a lawyer.  She did find my new release date and it was another year into the future, and then I thought they could arbitrarily change that.

     So I and two other prisoners broke out, and the rest of the dream was about being pursued and I woke up during the chase.

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