Drones and Nightmares

     Many moons ago I had this dream that I was up on like the 47th floor of an office building and the outer walls of the building were all glass affording a great view of the city below.

     Then it turned nightmare as a drone came parallel to our floor and began firing a machine gun at us through shattering windows.

     Back when I had this dream, drones weren’t common place and GPS had an accuracy measuring in something like 9 meters.  Now GPS is much more accurate and drones are common place and this sort of thing could become a reality.

     I am a bit concerned that the distance between the rich and poor keeps increasing and the middle class continues to evaporate and it seems we are destined for a civil war because the rich aren’t willing to share.  All the new machines building things, artificial intelligence augmenting the artificial brawn of the first industrial revolution ought to mean plentifulness for all, but because the owners of these machines are greedy, the fruits of all of our labors are falling into the hands of a few elite.  I can’t see how this won’t lead to civil war.  And civil war, whether it is declared or not, would be the situation that would call for use of drones in this manner.

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