Last Night Rebound

     Last night I rebounded in the opposite direction, got super-drowsy around 6PM, took a three hour nap.  Slept better last night but not anything close to good.  Woke up out of nightmares of one sort or another half a dozen times.

     The nightmares weren’t like really bad apocalyptic nightmares, just mundane things like a friend abandoning me at another friends five miles from my home with no way to get back except walk, or watching a movie on a 16mm projector where I work and an idiot co-worker didn’t know how to re-wind the film and put it back in the canister so ended up with a big pile of tangled film which I had to hand untangle and put back on the reel.

     I would be less bothered by it all if I’d been doing drugs or something to explain my mental state, but other than a tad of caffeine yesterday, nada, and caffeine wasn’t even in my usual excess amount.

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