Daylight Savings Time

     Daylight Savings Time is one of my pet peeves.  Instead of changing TIME to make activities better fit the Earth’s light / dark cycle, how about just changing the time we do those activities?  Too dark for kids to go to school early, schedule school later.

     Instead we make 7 billion people less Arizona, and a few other sparsely populated regions, undergo a total screw-up of their circadian rhythms twice a year.  God only knows what the health impact of that is but it can’t be good.

     And if we ABSOLUTELY MUST do it, why the hell do we move our clocks forward at 2AM on Sunday when it screws us out of an hours sleep and an hour of the weekend?

     How about instead we move them an hour forward at 2PM on Friday, thereby shortening the work day and bring the weekend an hour sooner?

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