
I don’t mind people moving here from California if they don’t try to make this place into California.

We’ve lived here for 22+ years. We moved into this place because we liked the wooded atmosphere. Since we’ve moved in here, our neighbors to the west of us cut down most of their trees in the front, our neighbors south of us across 198th cut down most of their trees. Rita to our east was the one hold out.

She died, her x-husband stayed in the house for a long time and kept care of pets, but eventually they sold the house and moved out.

New neighbors came from California. They came with a boat and three vehicles. Their friends frequently visit and parking overflows onto the street.

Last night a couple of Ashlund trunks came and started trimming the trees in front of their house. I thought they were just trimming them away from the power lines.

Today, it became apparent they were removing them altogether, you can see they’ve got them down to just the lower portion of the trunks here.

Concerned that they were going to start chomping on our trees next I went out to talk to them. They were only going to remove those two trees growing up into the power lines. They said our neighbors requested that they be removed.

While it is true, they did grow up into the power lines and cause problems, I suspect the real motivation was to provide yet more parking for our neighbors fleet and their friends vehicles. Rita would be rolling in her grave if she knew.

I don’t mind Californians and others moving here as long as they don’t try to turn this area into the paved over desert with palm trees they came from. We here in the Pacific Northwest need something to hide under when the rain comes down.

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