Latest ATT Response

Thank you for contacting the AT&T Postmaster Staff.

We investigate each and every block report and removal request
we receive, and take the appropriate action, of which you will
be notified. It is never the intention of the AT&T Postmaster
staff to intentionally block legitimate mail. As a result of
careful yet vigorous anti-spam and abuse measures, it is a
rare but unfortunate occurrence that we would like to rectify
as soon as possible with your help. By emailing this address
you have already taken the first step in resolving this issue.

When the AT&T Postmaster staff receives a request with the
needed information, requests are evaluated and, if granted, the
block will be removed within 24 – 48 hours. There are situations
when mail interruptions or blocks are in place outside the AT&T
domain. In these cases, we will attempt to make contact with the
party initiating the block and seek a resolution. If there is
no change after 48 hours, please go to the following web site:

There you can find out reasons for blocked email and steps to
take for resolution as well as other information that may assist

We reserve the right to deny or turn down a request if our
research shows the requested IP(s) being a violator of SPAM or
abuse policies currently, or in the past.

We thank you for your patience and cooperation.

AT&T Postmaster Staff