Imapd and Pop3 E-mail

      There are some versions of Outlook, and I don’t know which yet, that forces SSL encryption even if a customer selections non-encrypted mail and it tries to use a version not supported by our servers, causing mail retrieval to fail.

      People who are affected have systems that do not support TLS (mostly very old) and only support a version of SSL that our server won’t accept. If you are retrieving mail okay at present then your machine isn’t affected.

      In order to try to resolve this issue for others, I’m going to be  upgrading Dovecot from version 2.0.8 to 2.2.16 around 5pm today. I’ve got the software built and ready to go but don’t want to install it in the middle of a business day in case something goes wrong and have to back it out. We’ve been using the version that was part of the CentOS distribution and it is out of date.

      If there is an interruption, it should be brief, (I have saved the old configuration and can re-install the CentOS supplied version in seconds if need be) but I wanted to let you know in advance just in case.